rogue app

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rogue app

Post by Clap »


I'm applying to guild with my 70lvl orc rogue Clap

he's specced 17/44/0 its combat and i cant see any reasins for respeccing coz it has been working working in raids and everywhere but im not saying that i wouldnt respec if some1 say so.

here's my profs:

Blacksmithing: 375
Herbalism: 375

heres my gear atm: ... mer&n=Clap

Why i dont have so much kara loots? well let me tell ya: Whole "loot system" was fucked by some goddamn "officer and "core" thing, wich means no DKP. So everytime when some tier drops, it goes straight to the officers and cores..I was so pissed off of that kind of rule, it doesnt make sense to me :F. One day when we were supposed to go kara, i asked our rogue cl: "inving made?" he said something like this: "ye but no place for u" and when they downed moroes, rogue boots did drop. When our rogue cl got those boots, then he said: "okay now u can come with us xDD" i was like omg.

something about our rading..well there was veery often lack of ppl :(
But i can tell u that i will always be willing to raid if needed, i got nothing but time, i'll explain more in part "about myself". I have TS and VT, preferably VT but whatever u want and ofc i wanna have fun with u fellas.

My pve experience: Almost full kara except nightbane and all coilfang reservoir instances on heroic mode and mana tombs as well

Well thats about it and now my own story:

In real life I'm 17 years old kid named Iivo. I live in town called Raahe in Finland. Well atm i'm just hanging on the house playing WoW and waiting 'till some1 brings food behind the door. Dunno whats it gonna happen in next september.

Oh btw i have one 22lvl priest alt too on this realm

well i gues thats it, thanks for reading my apply
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Post by Fenz »

Thanks for your interest in SM but we will not be recruiting you.
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.