Likmyballz (yeah I know it's a stupid name) warlock app

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Likmyballz (yeah I know it's a stupid name) warlock app

Post by Splithoof »

Character name: Likmyballz (stupid name yeah, when I transferred this char from Dunemaul I got a forced namechange and after a few denied tries I though "well, screw it..." Will probably get a new forced namechange since ppl have been reporting my name...)

Class and spec: Destruction warlock, trigger happy aggro monster :D

Gear: (Can someone please link my armory? "You must have 5 posts before you can post URL's/Links.")
Not sure if it's updated properly, but that should be about 5.6k GS, with as optimized stats as possible with reforging.

About me: Name is Erik, 27 years old, from Västerås, Sweden. Working half time and "studying" half time... or at least that SHOULD be half time, more like a few hours a week, I'll never be finished with my studies I guess :(

Raiding experience: Been raiding since lvl 60, almost cleared AQ40 (and ofc everything before that) and killed a few bosses in Naxx. At lvl 70 I took a break just before Sunwell went live, came back when WotlK was released. At lvl 80 I've done everything up to trying to get Sindragosa down on 25HC.

Past guilds: This toon has been in a guild with some IRL friends on Dunemaul, but with my other chars I've been, and still am, on the alliance side on Twilight's Hammer. Been a member of Lowlands Legion, Squishy, Lamercrew, Gravity, Core and Sorrow. Might have forgotten some guild, not sure.

Why do I want to join you guys?: I've heard that you are a bunch of guys roughly my own age, with about the same raiding experience.

Why pick me?: 'Cause I'm always giving my best, trying to optimize my dmg output, tweaking tactics etc. And I'm an incredibly nice guy! :D

Hope I didn't hit you with a too big wall of text ;)
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Post by Renegades »

Armory link: ... Likmyballz

Explained a lot in application no matter it looks "short"...
Since i was on alliance side on TH i can see you were in pretty much core guilds so im sure you arent rage quitter...

Good luck with application
Thumbs up

With regrets, Renegades.
...The poetry that comes from the squaring off between and the circling is worth it, finding beauty in dissonance...
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Post by vomitile »

how much time do you have avaible to play wow? part-time job + studies + a bit of life ( i hope) i doubt you will have any time left to work on your character and to raid :X

is this your main atm ? notice: ... =Splithoof

also we have many warlocks already fighting for spots as i know so i dont think you have high chances :) (is not up to me tho so lets see)
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Post by Splithoof »

vomitile wrote:how much time do you have avaible to play wow? part-time job + studies + a bit of life ( i hope) i doubt you will have any time left to work on your character and to raid :X

is this your main atm ? Link to Splithoof, enhancement shaman.

also we have many warlocks already fighting for spots as i know so i dont think you have high chances :) (is not up to me tho so lets see)
Part job is part job, and I only work night a few times a month. Like I said, I study way too little. Should study more, but most of the time I just don't feel like it. Of course I have a bit of a life :) Got my friends, my pets (got some spiders and snakes) and a girlfriend. I've gotten myself into a long distance relationship, so I only see her once a week or once every two weeks.

I play enough to be able to raid and work on my character, so don't you worry ;) Oh btw, speaking of working on my character, I'm trying to boost my professions to max skill, so that should soon be done.

Yes, Splithoof was my main in Sorrow, but now I only play my warlock. Back in the 60-days I was a fat dwarf warrior named Core.

If I need to fight for my spot in raid, that's great, keeps everyone on their toes :) Bring 'em on!

Yeah, those were pretty much core guilds. I was class leader in Squishy, one of my disciples were Monksine, guild leader in Essential Accenture. Other guys of note in that guild were Netherwolf, Ashilh, Grecio, Xxim and loads more that I can't remember atm.

Lowlands Legion was split up into Squishy and one other guild that I can't recall the name of. I took a well deserved break from WoW after playing 8h a day for 15 months, and when I came back Squishy was no more, and I joined some IRL friends in Lamercrew.

When BC was released I leveled as shammy, and iirc, Prune (from Lowlands legion) recruited/headhunted me to Gravity. I stayed there the entire time in BC, and my next break was right before Illidan, so I missed the Illidan fight and SWP.

This was a short break however, and when I came back I yet again joined my IRL friends in Lamercrew. After being inactive for a month or two I found myself without a guild, and then Core swooped in and made me one of their main healers. After some time there I was frustrated with the lack of maturity and seriousness, and when they wanted to make me officer, to "babysit" the immature ones, I talked to an old friend from the 60-days, Hellsangèl in Sorrow. He quickly made sure I got a spot in Sorrow, one of the best guilds on the alliance side.

Here you have it, this is my WoW history. I hope the low number of guilds, and the long periods of time I've been in them speaks to my advantage. The one thing I see as a downside is the fact that I've taken a few breaks from WoW, to find myself again so to speak.
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Post by Splithoof »

By the way Vomitile, I see you still haven't replaced your 10int 10spi gems, even though spirit does nothing for us anymore. How come? Wouldn't 10int 10hit in those slots give you the opportunity to reforge your stats in a better way? (Now, don't peek at my t8 legs, cause I have one of those gems there too... replacing legs after VoA this week ;))
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Post by Cribby »

we have many warlocks already fighting for spots
That only counts for the mediocres Vomitile!

On topic, I stopped reading your application after the title. With such a name I rather go watch the Swedish curling team then read this.

Bai o/
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Post by vomitile »

Splithoof wrote:By the way Vomitile, I see you still haven't replaced your 10int 10spi gems, even though spirit does nothing for us anymore. How come? Wouldn't 10int 10hit in those slots give you the opportunity to reforge your stats in a better way? (Now, don't peek at my t8 legs, cause I have one of those gems there too... replacing legs after VoA this week ;))

haha nice try but i havent loged after the patch as am taking a brake atm :) boo!
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Post by Splithoof »

Haha :D And I thought I could give you one back :D damnit ;)
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Post by Splithoof »

Cribby wrote:
we have many warlocks already fighting for spots
That only counts for the mediocres Vomitile!

On topic, I stopped reading your application after the title. With such a name I rather go watch the Swedish curling team then read this.

Bai o/
Sorry you feel that way, I reported myself for inappropriate name and I hope I get a forced namechange. Though the Swedish curling team is pretty awesome.
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Post by Fenz »

Thanks for your interest in SM but we are fine on warlocks at the moment.
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.