Pally buffs

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Pally buffs

Post by Braidwood »

I'm quite sure that all of you know this already, and it matters not much for a horde guild, but in the mages thread, guys asked about Pally buffs, and Salvation, and how they work.

Pally buffs:

Pallies have about 10 different 5 minute buffs - "blessings"

+25 mana / 5 sec - wisdom
-30% threat - salvation
+10% all stats - kings
+ attack power - might

and so on, freedom, consecration, loads!

each pally can only cast 1 blessing on a given person.

So in a 5 man party, the healers + mage might get salvation, tanks get might, etc.

If you have 2 pallies, each pally can cast 1 blessing on you, so mages might get kings and salvation, etc

So in a 40 man raid, before a boss fight, you'll get ALL the pally buffs at once, each pally casting 1 blessing on the whole raid. It takes them a few minutes at the start to sort out the buffs (pally 1 does salvation, pally 2 does wisdom, pally 3 does....)

and then that pally keeps the buff on you.

Cos they are 5 minute buffs, generally they only keep the buffs on the healers during the battles. I.e. it takes 2 minutes just to cast em on 40 people, so by the time the pull comes in, you only get about 3-4 mins "fully buffed".

Hope that answers the earlier questions.

On an aside, Blessing of Salvation does totally own in raids. The reason being that if EVERYONE except the tanks have BoS on them, effectively the tank is producing 30% more threat than anyone else. With this in effect, a few sunders, and few revenge, and the mobs stick to the tanks a great deal. The rogues in our PvE guild really notice that when fighting the molten giants, which pound them in 2 hits at times, having BoS means they simply never get the aggro.

On aggro management, in long boss fights, druids can catform-cower, rogues can vanish and hunters can feign death midway through, and carry on casting / killing :-)

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Post by Kiteshavara »

Yeah and blizzard is currently investigating if bos is an unfair advantage for alliance.
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Post by xen »

You forgot to post about the three ranks of Judgement of Wisdom stacking together for 94 mp regen per hit on a mob. 1.3 att speed wands ftw! EZmode or what?
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