dani - unholy dk

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dani - unholy dk

Post by dani »

hy . the name is dani both irl and in game only that in game is with a weird "i" " Daní " . this is my 2nd dk the first one is hacked and banned . im 24 yo and im from romania . i speak english quite well . i wanna join u cause i know ya pawn and shit and i think i ll fit in just perferct + my schedule matches ur perfectly . as my raiding experience i can say a have a "little' : raided all WotLK content till icc 25 with Reapers and Reapers elite Guard + some tbc raidings also . just cheap talk ... nvm ... seeing is believing .

Raiding and class xp:

I played a DK since day 1 from Wotlk . i started clearing naxxramas 10 with ReG since the moment 10 of us got to lvl 80 (and that was pretty fucking fast) . the content was lame everybody cleared it . i was top dps at most fights as unholy dps (all were playing unholy back then ) then i got bored and swithed to blood just to test . we went naxx 25 after a while and i ripped the meters in half there too . Filling the meters as a dk was shit back then every loser could do it because it was so fucking OP . Got frustrated about rotations and retarded procs so i went to frost DW which was also very fucking OP . so i can say i tested every goddamn spec rotation and gear mixture i could find back then . unholy and blood were top and f dw was too i guess but i didnt have the exact BiS for that back then . Got obsidian 3D after a struggle but it was oka . We went for same lame achivements too . btw my 10 man group was the 3rd on this realm to get undying .

When Ulduar came up shits changed . Everybody was playing the new ArP shit blood spec . i had to convince myself that they were right so i had to try something new. i went for frost 2H with the lame sigil from xt . guess what a top filling dps spec again . but it wasnt for long . stacking like a retard ArP gems and playing blood was indeed the shit so i switched . Unholy was a Noname lame brand spec in ulduar at least for my tests . We cleared the content in both 25 and 10 man ( i didnt do 10 man cause i hated the lame items) and after a struggle the guild got the horde side realm first Hodir HM but of course with me missing . I had to try pvp too in s6 so i slacked some weeks due to my server transfer in order to get gladiator ( which was an epic fucking fail) . after i got back here it was summer outside , girls in the streets , beers on the table , no fucking attendancy so i just enjoyed my holiday.

ToTc : that content doesnt even dignify a fuckin review from me. 25 man and 10 man pugs all over even 10 man hc pugs at the end of it so .. what i did then probably every 12 yo retarded kid managed to do it . As fo the specs for totc content : BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD and BLOOD AGAIN ! .. at the end of it ppl started playing unholy probably due to Fenita from Ensi but the retards didnt know that u need ilvl 258 + all the imba items to top a meter . so gg copycats who dont have a brain again !

Icc 25 : did some tries did some tries and also did some tries ! and what did i get ? ONLY some tries .. but not in 10 man ... 10 man went fine .. Blood sucks ass now , frost DW is for pussies so unholy FTW but not as a copied spec just as a realistic top dps spec ! my dps atm is 5k-5.1k in 10s and my best was 7800 at saurfang in 25's as unholy . i ll try blood when i ll have some more arp

btw putting the game aside i want to share this joke with u cause i really laughed my ass out
a guy go to an ice cream vendor : hey sir i would like to buy a chocolate icecream a strawberry icecream and a vanilla icercream ; and the seller says : we dont have chocolate icecream , so the man takes the other two and leaves . next day same story . the guy comes asks for the 3 icecreams but the vendor has the same reply: we dont have chocolate icecream . third day , chaos reigns ; the retard comes back ;hey sir i would like to buy a chocolate icecream a strawberry icecream and a vanilla icercream . The vendor sits amazed for 1 sec then he says : dude can u spell VAN in vanilla ? yeah sure the kitty replies V-A-N ; can u spell STRAW in strawberry ? yes S-T-R-A-W ; can u spell FUCK in chocolate ? well sir there is no FUCK in chocolate YES YOU RE RIGHT !!!! THERE IS NO FUCKING CHOCOLATE !!!!
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Post by sudo »

wow ..
Paladin is man or woman with holy light, liek angel from god paladin hold up holy light so you see in dark and not be scared. You CANT play naughty paladin coz it not fit with paladin holy light ok?
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Post by Fenz »

Some other guild had in their applicatiomform that people had to tell a joke. forgot wich one. Thanks for your interest in SM but we are fine on DK's at the moment.
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.