Best movie (right now)
Hulk smash!
Avengers private showing getting decent reviews
Hopefully it will honor the comics; movies so far imo iron man was casted pretty perfect ,thor was good except the last fight really,captain america reasonable/fair bit dorky with cap on here,hulk movies bad but have hopes he will be good here.. had a subscription on hulk comicsback in the teenage days he must smash good now!
hawkeye/black widow don't really seem to be in same league but they got shield toys backing them too i guess
Hopefully it will honor the comics; movies so far imo iron man was casted pretty perfect ,thor was good except the last fight really,captain america reasonable/fair bit dorky with cap on here,hulk movies bad but have hopes he will be good here.. had a subscription on hulk comicsback in the teenage days he must smash good now!
hawkeye/black widow don't really seem to be in same league but they got shield toys backing them too i guess