erkone wrote:I dont have a wws report im afraid
btw some warriors prefer geming ArP,some prefer to boost some crit with str ofc!i would like to change my gems to ArP to give it a try.
i can find 400 warriors with only str gems so ofc its a matter of playstyle but you can always improve the stats you have. i would have really liked that wws report . but to socket +20 crit is just plain bad, crit should come soley from gear but hey we have all our opinions
i wish you good luck with the app m8
oh and 1 last thing, would you specc any specc too comodate the raid enviroment?
Yes mate i would specc any specc to comodate the raid enviroment.Thanks for your gl!Thanks Dragothic too!!and altarion,dont mind,you will never get a loot from Dragothic,when you roll 99,he rolls 100!!!!