The changes we got in for 3.0.8 (aside from some general bug fixes) were mostly designed to help locks survive longer in PvP. I don't think you have all of the changes yet -- for instance we very recently juiced up pet health for some pets. I start to lose track of which changes are on the PTR versus changes we've announced that you haven't seen yet versus changes we haven't announced. Once 3.0.8 ships this will all be a lot clearer.
For 3.1 we are probably going to make some larger changes to the class. I still don't want to oversell these. A popular yet cynical phrase among players is that their class needs to be rebuilt from the ground up (though I see this with probably every class, which is slightly amusing). We are not deleting the warlock and starting over. We are not doing that with any class and probably never will. We do want to smooth out some rough edges of the class though. A few things that I have said we want to look at are:
1) Improve deep Demonology for PvP and PvE.
2) Make Affliction feel less dependent on dot timers and other external mods (nothing wrong with the mods -- we just think it's getting harder and harder to play the spec with the default UI).
3) Take a hard look at Soul Shards.
4) Take a hard look at the way pets scale.
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