In the valley of Shadows

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In the valley of Shadows

Post by Seventhson »





Character name


Link to Armory
Some bug, cant link it, you have to do it yourself mihihihi

Previus guilds and raiding expiriences: EliteWishers, Deathwishers, Circle of Nerzhul were my previous guilds. About raiding expiriences preTBC in Blackwing Lair, AQ40, and Naxx only on deathknight wing. On BC in Karazhan, Magtheridons Lair, Gruuls Lair, SSC 2 bosses and TK 1 boss.

A little about me: I m a student in automation and telecommunication technologies, dont know if i ever graduate with WoW hehe. Almost every day me and some friends gather at a net-cafe playing wow having fun etc :P. I could write many pages about me, but it ll start to get boring for some hehe. My main weaknesses are strawberry candies and blonde girls *coughs*...anyway too much information, too much information !!! :P. I used to pvp like crazy, but to tell you the truth it can be really boring sometimes if you do pvp with randoms. An old guildm8, or i should say an old friend =) encouraged me to do this application, so i'd be happy to join you, have some fun and do some serius raiding. If i'm missing something feel free to ask me.

Thnx for reading this :)
Looking forward to read your reply. Dimdim
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Post by Raai »

A true pvp legend, remember you from Wardancer's wsg group and several AB teams.

Good luck mate :D
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Post by manstrale »

I played with Seventhson in DW around a year ago and I remember him as a nice person and a good player. I think he would be a nice contribution to guild :)
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Post by sneek »

Cheers for the app Seventh.
We've been discussing your app a little bit in private.

Got a question for you right off the bat though;
Why'd you check out Amphitere and SM over let's say the Order of Gul Dan?
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Post by Seventhson »

The answer is quite simple:P i dont like certain rules they have as a guild, plus a rl friend i have there told me they wont recruit members that dont have the Hyjal or BT attument (cause they stoped raiding SSC and TK).
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Post by sneek »

Alright thanks, there'll no doubt be other questions after the officers have bashed their heads together on recent developments.

I'll try to chat you up ingame once that happens - should be relatively soon.