I might have missed out on something but wasn´t diminishing returns removed on stuns etc that you can´t control? i.e. when it´s a proc and such???Zilver wrote:1. Shoot command, ah well its nice but doesnt change anythingSmooglab wrote:Changes in TBC:
Warrior now has a 'Shoot' command, instead of separate shoot bow/gun/crossbow
Second Wind no longer triggers off of Hunter's Freeze Trap or Seduction.
Second Wind doesnt proc from Gouge and Sap anymore.
New Rampage casting animation .
No more icon over your head when Rampage is up.
Mace Spec proc gives 6 rage instead of 2.
Weapon Mastery now make you immune disarm against mobs.
Offhand rage generation is changed (need confirmation).
Rage generation from white crits is better (need confirmation).
The new rage generation from crits is easy to notice, it's also much better (need confirmation).
Increased Armor on Epic Shields (as per beta)
http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.htm ... 1172&sid=1
2. Second wind nerfed, finally we get a really nice talent and already they are nerfing it...
3. Rampage, did they learn from their Retaliation mistake? Oh no they didnt since its still like that..
4. Mace spec, a buff, woah can it be true? Still due to the diminishing returns on stuns mace spec just aint worth it.
5. Weapon mastery, a fix
6. Rage, if its true, it was something they shouldnt have changed in the first place.
7. Armor, totally needed, good change!
intercept i think is still on diminsihing since it will only happen when you clicky the skill, but since the mace proc is "uncontrolable i.e. it will proc when you can´t decide when" iirc those diminishing was removed a couple of patches ago.. again i might be wrong about that and if anyone seems to remember something / know something about it feel free to correct me.
I'd go for the first one, rampage is really something for me when dualwielding at least. Would change imp charge for the hitchance in the fury tree though, but it all depends how you are planning to go further. I'll prolly go with the one I have now 0/46/5, until I got enough to spend points in full fury + impale, and build some defensive stuff from the prot tree for survivability on the way there.Smooglab wrote:Still thinking about what would be the best TBC grinding spec.
I tested a bit of DW and 2handed, and I think 2handed fury is really nice when grinding, so I'm thinking of using my Severance with a fury spec atleast the first levels.
But I'm not too sure on which spec, these are the 3 I have in mind:
- 7/41/3 - pretty much the standard 2h fury spec.
- 17/31/3 - alternative, switching imp. berserker stance for Impale and imp. Whirlwind for imp. Overpower.
- 0/40/11 - even more alternative, switching Rampage (200AP for 30 rage isn't really that worthwhile tbh) for Last Stand. Also 10% armour pretty much equals 10% less downtime.
Feel free to comment and/or convince me DW fury (I have 2x HWL swords) or Arms is better for grinding.
And you thought you knew pain...
Almost 64 now and i wanne share some thoughts,
I've spent most of my leveling thru quests and doing them solo. I've run a few instances but not more than 10 times.
Solo questing is going pretty ok, i do have to rest quite a lot to gain back health but have no trouble so far killing 2 mobs of the same level or 1-2 higher at the same time. Victory rush is quite nice and i use it as much as possible.
Health scales really nice and im already sitting on 6k hp at lvl 63, i used to have 4800 at lvl 60. On the other hand we really need it. So far ive replaced quite a few items already, once items are socketed they are pretty good.
PvP is just horrible, of all the time ive been attacked ive only managed to win once, and that was vs a fury warrior. Poor guy.. I'm pretty much at the mercy of other classes and just hope they dont decide to kill me, since they can do so within seconds.
Running instances as a tank is a joke. Eventhough im not prot, i used to be able to hold some agro on mobs. Now its pretty much impossible. I dont produce enough rage to keep spamming agro skills and i usually have to use taunt everytime its up to get agro back. Hope something is done about this, because this just aint right.
Stats wise im doing everything possible to keep up my crit,hit and AP. But i see it declining slowly. I'm running around with mongoose, crit stones pretty much all the time to keep those stats up. I'm very afraid at where ill be in a few levels...
Quest rewards, hmm lol, should have rerolled a paly. So many paladin quest rewards and no warrior rewards. Sucks they used 1 slot reward for both warrior and paladin plate, and chose to give paladins the most rewards.
All in all, i've got mixed feeling. I like the new area's so far. Yet i feel my position as a usefull asset in the game getting smaller. Hope blizzard changes some things..
I've spent most of my leveling thru quests and doing them solo. I've run a few instances but not more than 10 times.
Solo questing is going pretty ok, i do have to rest quite a lot to gain back health but have no trouble so far killing 2 mobs of the same level or 1-2 higher at the same time. Victory rush is quite nice and i use it as much as possible.
Health scales really nice and im already sitting on 6k hp at lvl 63, i used to have 4800 at lvl 60. On the other hand we really need it. So far ive replaced quite a few items already, once items are socketed they are pretty good.
PvP is just horrible, of all the time ive been attacked ive only managed to win once, and that was vs a fury warrior. Poor guy.. I'm pretty much at the mercy of other classes and just hope they dont decide to kill me, since they can do so within seconds.
Running instances as a tank is a joke. Eventhough im not prot, i used to be able to hold some agro on mobs. Now its pretty much impossible. I dont produce enough rage to keep spamming agro skills and i usually have to use taunt everytime its up to get agro back. Hope something is done about this, because this just aint right.
Stats wise im doing everything possible to keep up my crit,hit and AP. But i see it declining slowly. I'm running around with mongoose, crit stones pretty much all the time to keep those stats up. I'm very afraid at where ill be in a few levels...
Quest rewards, hmm lol, should have rerolled a paly. So many paladin quest rewards and no warrior rewards. Sucks they used 1 slot reward for both warrior and paladin plate, and chose to give paladins the most rewards.
All in all, i've got mixed feeling. I like the new area's so far. Yet i feel my position as a usefull asset in the game getting smaller. Hope blizzard changes some things..
Agree with about the tanking part zilv, the rage nerf
hitted ous to hard, im fully prott now so ill have it abit easyer with devistate but when i was MS man it was hard to keep those mobs on you.
The hp boost is rly nice untill u notice that you only are 1500 hp above catsers and that they still can 2-3 shot you ;p
hitted ous to hard, im fully prott now so ill have it abit easyer with devistate but when i was MS man it was hard to keep those mobs on you.
The hp boost is rly nice untill u notice that you only are 1500 hp above catsers and that they still can 2-3 shot you ;p
To be fair. I think that some part of the percived tanking nerf is the fact that it is once again 5-man instances that rule. I can't for the life of me imagine you having a much easier time tanking strat or scholo in full t2+ with triggerhappy mages and rogues.
I'm not saying the rage normalization isn't a big part in this, not at all. (although I agree with the reasoning behind the nerf but I feel it should have been better implemented) What I am saying however is that the nerf has probably been amplified many times by the fact that the game has gone back to 5-man instances where the mobs aren't hitting like a ton-o-bricks.
As for the warrior talent trees, that's a whole other can of worms that I wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole.
I'm not saying the rage normalization isn't a big part in this, not at all. (although I agree with the reasoning behind the nerf but I feel it should have been better implemented) What I am saying however is that the nerf has probably been amplified many times by the fact that the game has gone back to 5-man instances where the mobs aren't hitting like a ton-o-bricks.
As for the warrior talent trees, that's a whole other can of worms that I wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole.

Anna Navarre: You're wearing sunglasses on a night operation?
JC Denton: My vision is augmented.
JC Denton: My vision is augmented.
Well Sneek it's not that we can't hold aggro versus normal playing DPS classes, but it's that it requires a LOT more effort than it did before.
I can barely "waste" rage for battle shout, cleave, shield block or any other non +threat ability that I'd normally use. It's just waiting for the rage for the sunder/revenge to come up then use it on a mob #1, while just waiting for the taunt cooldown for mob #2.
Of course this is a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point.
And yes, the paladin-plate rewards is getting out of hand.
I was happy I finally had a plate reward that didn't had +spelldamage/mp5s on it in like 4 levels (although it has a socket bonus of 3mp5s).
I can barely "waste" rage for battle shout, cleave, shield block or any other non +threat ability that I'd normally use. It's just waiting for the rage for the sunder/revenge to come up then use it on a mob #1, while just waiting for the taunt cooldown for mob #2.
Of course this is a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point.

And yes, the paladin-plate rewards is getting out of hand.
I was happy I finally had a plate reward that didn't had +spelldamage/mp5s on it in like 4 levels (although it has a socket bonus of 3mp5s).

Level 70 Troll Warrior.
Turned 65 yesterday and was finally able to combine Mortal Strike with Deathwish. For some weird reason that made me really excited. Maybe it made me think back to the Pat video's when he did the same, although he cheated. It felt quite good popping a few cd's on a named mob. Not that i couldnt have killed it without them, still seeing the animations of every cd being used made me feel imba again.
Now for a little story:
I was looking for this place called Torgos's Bane. I needed to use some carcass to summon a 65 elite. I had found the place and was waiting for a guildie to come help since he needed the quest too. At that time i had a scroll of stamina buff, mongoose, scroll of armor buff on me. So my total health was at around 6700. All of a sudden i get jumped by a druid of the same level in cat form. He gets a few hits in before i come into action. To my big surprize my health was already down to half of what it was. So we start battling, i pop every cd i have except for recklessness, thinking i might need it for the elite mod. He quickly turns into bear form and my health goes down even faster. Before i know it, im poping a pot thinking that might just give me the edge. Hell no, he still finishes me off with like 5% health left. Now comes something that amazed me the most. He was on 5% health and he agro'd 2 caster mobs. These mobs start firing off shadow bolt at him. He turns caster, does some imba insta heal and finishes the 2 mobs off like its nothing. In the progress he agro's 2 other mobs, no problem since he finishes those 2 off as well. After that he turns caster again and i see him at half health and half mana.
After that i released since i was crying a bit on the inside knowing i could never ever do what that guy just did..
Now for a little story:
I was looking for this place called Torgos's Bane. I needed to use some carcass to summon a 65 elite. I had found the place and was waiting for a guildie to come help since he needed the quest too. At that time i had a scroll of stamina buff, mongoose, scroll of armor buff on me. So my total health was at around 6700. All of a sudden i get jumped by a druid of the same level in cat form. He gets a few hits in before i come into action. To my big surprize my health was already down to half of what it was. So we start battling, i pop every cd i have except for recklessness, thinking i might need it for the elite mod. He quickly turns into bear form and my health goes down even faster. Before i know it, im poping a pot thinking that might just give me the edge. Hell no, he still finishes me off with like 5% health left. Now comes something that amazed me the most. He was on 5% health and he agro'd 2 caster mobs. These mobs start firing off shadow bolt at him. He turns caster, does some imba insta heal and finishes the 2 mobs off like its nothing. In the progress he agro's 2 other mobs, no problem since he finishes those 2 off as well. After that he turns caster again and i see him at half health and half mana.
After that i released since i was crying a bit on the inside knowing i could never ever do what that guy just did..
Not gonna get caught up in this discussion (afraid to get owned), but :
We all cry a bit on the inside when we see them pull crap like that.
Also what i'd like to add : don't blame yourself when people just downright suck, overnuke on a mob and get owned. That's not the warrior's fault, but players sucking or being in the old 'lets see how much i can overnuke'-raid / 'pew pew, die !&'-pvp mood.
There's only a few classes that can do stuff like that you know - druids being one of themAfter that i released since i was crying a bit on the inside knowing i could never ever do what that guy just did..

Also what i'd like to add : don't blame yourself when people just downright suck, overnuke on a mob and get owned. That's not the warrior's fault, but players sucking or being in the old 'lets see how much i can overnuke'-raid / 'pew pew, die !&'-pvp mood.
Roses are red. Violets are blue. In soviet Russia, poem writes you.
I'll be speccing prot as soon as I hit 70 (15% to go) just need to figure out the best spec.
I was thinking of this spec (5/11/45).
I chose piercing howl since it's really useful for when you lose a mob, you throw up piercing howl and it gives you the to target it and taunt it back.
No tactical mastery since you only need to intercept or use mocking blow anyway.
Not too sure about Iron Will, Imp. One Handed Weapon Spec or Blood Craze.
Some constructive criticism would be cool.
I was thinking of this spec (5/11/45).
I chose piercing howl since it's really useful for when you lose a mob, you throw up piercing howl and it gives you the to target it and taunt it back.
No tactical mastery since you only need to intercept or use mocking blow anyway.
Not too sure about Iron Will, Imp. One Handed Weapon Spec or Blood Craze.
Some constructive criticism would be cool.

Level 70 Troll Warrior.