It is *not* a PvP vid and I'm a pacifist!

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Post by Akaza »

That was great Sneek. I really enjoyed that, thank you :D
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Post by Skyly »

sweet vid , sneekzor :)
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Post by Kororo »

Great watching this vid. WD!
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Post by Zhathakk »

Wicked Vid :D
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Post by Kerz »

very nice vid indeed :)
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Post by Zilver »

Wow awsome movie!!
So relaxing to watch a movie thats not like all others these days.

I think back to that arena fight fondly. The fight was really nice, but the verbal harrassment afterwards was even better, haha pure gold!

Also so cool to see all these scene´s back again. I remember being at most of them myself. Wow should really implement a playback function!
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Post by Shataz »

ye that was a nostalgic video sneek, thanks :P
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Post by Larona »

did preddy pay u gold for it?
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Post by Deadleg »

Very nice one indeed :-)
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Post by fratze »

nice vid =), what song is it u play when u are in CH and outside the gates??
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Post by fratze »

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Post by sneek »

Over the past year or so I've recorded a lot and saved some of the more interesting snippets.
From those I've created this vid - things that stood out to me as weird, fun or just entertaining.
And I tried to dress it up in a more substantial manner then just ringing the crap together and adding one or two songs I dig.

So you chop it up try to make some kind of storyboard and not give everything at once right after each other.
Besides, most of the embarrasing stuff has a "happy ending" in some way for everyone in it so it balanced out.

It's not about PvP or combat so people shouldn't find anything in that or wonder why I included X in it - X just happened to be involved in an entertaining bit of PvP interaction I've experienced in WoW 1.x.
I have no beef with X, I really don't care about him or her.
Their clip just made it in because I could make a plot out of it and it was interesting enough to add.

The high quality vid allows you to see all the names to the folks involved since I am a mouseover crazy unless I'm freaking out (like in "Steamrolled" and "Evasion") so you can see those cool guys/jackasses you've loved/hated in nostalgialand and allow others to hook into this and maybe churn out their own vid of WoW 1.x as a documentation of what will pass soon enough.

It's also the only way for me to offload some of clips I have without feeling I've stored those gigabytes of crap for a year or more all for nothing.
Most of the clips are pretty ancient - only the rampaging GOH farmers are pretty recent.
Once BC hits the scene these stored clips will really lose their merit and be worthless forever.

All of the clips I've shown have reason - it's either a mini plot going on, or instigated by something or trying to cope with the crap that's shoved in my face on the way to where I am now.
That's a whole lot different from the "LOL I am killing this NOOB because I ROCK"x12. or "ZOMG tripleWF crit!".

There's the typical elemental move of Lightningbolt-Chain Lightning-Earth Shock made by a Resto shaman on a Protection tank.
And there's the double-wf proc in the Diremaul arena with a twohander on Cloth.
That's all you'll get from me in World PvP combat in this clip!

As for the scenes, there've been tons more interesting situations for me but I didn't have the means to record it back then or hit the record button halfway through which leaves a scene with no lead-in to a "Surprise Attack!" nor a proper outtro and leaves the scene dead in the water as a "LOL OWNED NOOB" clip.

The soundtrack is mentioned in order of appareance in the credits, Fratze.
You're looking for two clips from the Battlestar Galactica 2003 soundtrack for the Cenarion Hold scene and the Ahn'Qiraj Temple zerg soundtrack is one from Gladiator, aptly named "Strength and Honor".
The one musical clip, Halo, is from an underground Industrial band known as Collide and I chose that one because of the lyrics.

I recommend you try out the BSG tvseries. It's good.
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Post by [zz] »

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Post by Lateralus »

Very entertaining.. i found maugetars laugh outside MC/BRD hillarious :D
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Post by Gaar »

it was nice yeah, but just to keep you from taking off.. It sucked abit too.
No it didn't
Finally, an emotion I do not have to fake
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