Rank 13(warlord) Gear, i got also 3 piecies of prophey set and 1 (legs) of tier2 and some randoms healing items from bwl like boots of poutgh (or something like this:P)
Resistance fire : 60
shadow resistance: 80
Nature resistance :30:/
Experience from high - end instances
MC,ZG,BWL, I have done all onyxa , bwl and MC prequests since i have some experience with these 40 man instances
I was before on EWs but i stoped the wow for 3 months....i was also on fleewtwood but i quited when i started to pvp for rank 13 gear.
i am shadow/discpline with 13/0/38 classic.... but as u want me in ur guild i can change also my spec if this really needed....
I can attend 5 times at a week at raids and in one month from now that i stop my work and start collugue i can play 24/24 per day:)
My reason that i am appling here is that i need a good guild for some pve since almost all good guilds are full of priests ....really if recuit u gonna save me from a payment migrate.I know some ppl in Sm so will be cool to raid with em....
I can remember you were in Ew for 1 week and we got are first vael kill ever with you healing Mt healer grp . Nightrider is a great guy ive PvPd alot with him and hes Very good at all tasks presented to a priest
Gl with the app mate and i hope to see you ingame soon =)
I stopped reading at the word Greek Joking Unfortunatly for you we have a healthy supply of active priests at the moment so we will not recruit you at this moment.
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.