all quotes from the wow site
Items: +Spell Hit Chance
+1% spell hit chance increases the base chance for a spell to land against a target by 1%
If your target is the same level as you, a spell has a base chance to hit of 96%.
If the target is +1 level compared to you: 95%
+2 levels: 94%
+3 levels: 83% if the target is a monster, 87% if the target is a player.
+4 levels: monster: 72% player: 80%
+5 levels: monster: 61% player: 73%
If you wear a +1% spell hit chance item, the above percentages will increase by 1. +2% gives +2.
For binary spells only, there is an additional modifier for the resistance of the victim to your particular spell school: fire, frost, shadow, nature, arcane. That modifier is multiplied by your hit chance to get your actual chance to land. This is done with binary spells only, because they never do partial damage.
Eyonix the Mage (level 60) fires a frost bolt at Yeti of Doom (level 63). Eyonix is also wearing a total of +6% spell hit gear. Yeti of Doom has frost resistance such that he takes 50% from level 60 frost attacks. So, here's the hit calculation:
0.83 (83% for +3 levels monster) + 0.06 (+6% spell hit) = 0.89
0.89*0.5 (50% damage from frost) = 0.445.
The game will roll a number between 0 and 1, and if it's less than 0.445, the frost bolt will hit for full damage. Otherwise, a resist message will appear.
2nd Example:
After the resist, Eyonix decides to fire a fireball at Yeti of Doom. Eyonix still has +6% spell hit. Fireball is not a binary spell. Here's the calculation:
0.83+0.06= 0.89
The game will roll a number between 0 and 1, and if its less than 0.89, the fireball will hit. Otherwise, a resist message will appear. After the fireball lands, the game will then apply spell resistance to determine a partial resist, if any. Assuming the yeti also has 50% fire resistance, on average, 50% of the damage will be resisted.
I hope that illuminates the impact of +spell hit gear on magical combat.
most raid bosses counts as lvl63 mobs afaik, that will say, wo talents/gear you have a 83% chance to hit them and need +16%hit to get 99% (full) chance to hit them with spells.
Im having 5/5 in suppression so i have a total of ~+14 hit with dots but the bolts is still my main damage source so im going for more +hit ... ances.html
When hit by a spell, you have two chances to resist the spell. The first chance is based on your level. If you are much higher level than the attacking caster, you will have a significant chance to resist the caster's spell, but if you are much lower level, you will have a minimal chance to resist the spell (minimum of 1%). If you make this resistance chance, you are completely unaffected by the spell.
The second chance to resist is based on your resistance score and the level of the caster. The higher your resistance score in relation to the level of the attacking caster, the higher your average resistance percentage, up to a maximum of 75%. Against most spells, this resistance percentage is the straight % chance to completely resist the spell. Against direct-damage spells (spells that deliver their full damage upon impact, such as Fireball, Mind Blast, and Earth Shock), this resistance is the percentage of damage you will resist on average.
When you are hit by a direct-damage spell, you have a chance to resist 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, or 0% of the spell's damage, depending on your resistance score in relation to the level of the attacking caster. Your average percentage of damage resisted is the weighted average of your resistance percentages for each level of damage resistance (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and 0%). Using, as an example, a fire resistance score of 250 vs. a level-50 mage's fire spell, you would on average resist roughly 75% of the damage of that spell (as can be deduced by calculating the weighted average for the corresponding column in the example table below). To further the example, if you had fire resistance of 100, you would, on average, resist roughly 30% of the spell's damage.
As far as -resistance goes im still not sure.
Fenz your saying that the items in naxx has lots of -resistance, true, but our plagueheart set (that all real warlocks already has some part of) has one part with -10resistance(legs) and 3with +hit(head/shoulders/robe)
Doomcaller on the other hand (tier2,5) has 3parts with a total of -40resistance and 2parts with +hit