Personal Information.
17 (18 in march).
Estimated Playtimes during weekdays & weekends
6hours or more
Character information.
Character name
Current server
Twilight's hammer
Link to Armory
Since i coulnd't Post my armory link here you will have to go manualy to armory to see my eq.(Sorry about that).
(I might have Heartless equiped but i usualy play with Blade of infamy with mongoose enchanted).
TBC Attunemements complete.
5 Man Group
* Hellfire Citadel - Heroic
* Auchindoun - Heroic
* Coilfang Reservoir - Heroic
* Tempest Keep - Heroic
* Caverns of Time - Heroic
10 Man Raid
* Karazhan
* Zul'Aman
25 Man Raid
* Hyjal Sumit
* Black Temple
General information
Previous guild(s) and raiding experiences.
I have last year been in some small guilds on Twilight's Hammer Like Overkill and La sagrada familia, but that was pretty long time ago.
After that i went to Zenedar and joined a guild Called Fragile and i did up to Reliquary of souls. A few months later i Migrated back to TH and joined Deathwishers and Did up to Illidari Council(Around 50%). After that i had some issues IRL that i had to take care of and got abit ill. I got kicked and since I'm better now i really would like to start raid again.
Why do you want to join Sinister Ministry?
I want to join Sm cause it seems like a good and serious guild. I haven't been looking very much for guilds lately but now i really feel like raid again and i see Sm as an good future for me.
Additional personal information about you.
Well, as i mentioned before, im 17 years old and live in sweden, Im a good listener to tactics so i dont think it will be a problem to face new bosses(Illidan:P). Atm I live home at my parrents since im still studying.
I dont see school as an hindrance when i play wow so dont worry about that:).
Rank the following in order of importance to you on a scale 1-5. 1 is most important, 5 is least important: Loot, Challenge, Fun, Friends, Dungeon exploration.
Friends, challenge, dungeon exploration, fun and last Loots:).
Anything you would like to add?
I dont have very much to add on this line except i hope i can join and show some actions!. thanks for my time
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Rogue Application.
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps
Since i've realized that you can learn from misstakes i will make another attempt to explain how i meet the requirements.
Pretbc i did raid ZG/aq20/MC/Bwl/AQ40, first 2bosses but sadly enough didnt
do Nax. I play wow everyday so your schedule looks ok for me.
Im pretty good in english both speaking and writing and i understand people with different accents.
I Have Both ventrilo and a microphone so i would be able to listen and talk if that would be needed.
Since i still study and come home pretty early from school i have time to farm pots and consumables before raids.
I pray to god i haven't missed anything of your requirements now, and if i do please tell me.. again.. .
Pretbc i did raid ZG/aq20/MC/Bwl/AQ40, first 2bosses but sadly enough didnt
do Nax. I play wow everyday so your schedule looks ok for me.
Im pretty good in english both speaking and writing and i understand people with different accents.
I Have Both ventrilo and a microphone so i would be able to listen and talk if that would be needed.
Since i still study and come home pretty early from school i have time to farm pots and consumables before raids.
I pray to god i haven't missed anything of your requirements now, and if i do please tell me.. again.. .
I never wrote in my amphitere application that i were in shac and that my experience were only pvp :O...
I have just been in shac as friendmember after i got kicked from DW.
I've never raided with shac, you can ask em yourself..
At the moment im guildless and thats why i wanted to try to apply to SM. If you have any more things that i did wrong please tell me...
I have just been in shac as friendmember after i got kicked from DW.
I've never raided with shac, you can ask em yourself..
At the moment im guildless and thats why i wanted to try to apply to SM. If you have any more things that i did wrong please tell me...