Hi. I saw that you're looking for a shadowpriest, unless you have recruited one already. I know im currently in The Casual Club, but i joined because i knew one in there (not becasue i wanted, i really enjoyed my guild <Priinsessan>) and so i could like "help" (like they were listening) them a bit in some raids. The reason why im planning to leave them is that they have some people with no disipline at all, some others whos trying to make pve progress with pvp gear and some are afraid of using damage pots. It just dont fit me... But anyway here's my application!
Im 18 years old. I live in Jönköping, Sweden. When im not playing wow im either studying (dont get the wrong idea ;> ) or at the gym. This is a very important year for me so my raiding attendence depends on exams etc. But when i looked at your raiding schedule i saw some days that would fit me (atleast one day that i know i could always attend to). But i guess we could discuss this further... I've cleared SSC and downed Void Reaver and Al'ar with Amphitere. The reason why i want to join is that you got simular pve experince wich makes it easier for me to catch up with you and not to mention, you're a good guild! ;>
Health: ~8k (unbuffed)
Mana: ~ 8.6k
Shadow damage: ~1110
Any questions? Feel free to ask, either here or in game!
Over and out! - Priinsessan
Priinsessan - Shadowpriest!
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps
The difference between The Casual Club and Sinister Ministry, even though some fanatical raiders have referred to SM as "casual" in the past, is pretty huge.
While we don't clock potential 5 hour raids, we do raid more then 14 hours.
We need people that fit that bill and don't wiggle out of an earlier made attendance commitment.
We've also seen people take a step back from raiding just to accomodate critical academics - like their final year in highschool or finalizing their doctoral.
Got a boatload of questions for you.
I can understand if you don't want to answer these questions in public, I can take them all through PM on this forum.
The officers will want to discuss the answers and they can do so then in private and present potential followup questions in this thread.
- What are you studying and why is it a very important year to you?
- Why did you leave Vindictive for Amphitere?
- Why did you and Amphitere break up, and on what date was that?
- And why would you decide to go from Amphitere's breakneck schedule all the way to The Casual Club's two/three day raiding schedule and not apply at another guild?
- What did you do to "help" or how did you coach the raiders in TCC with their business in SSC and TKE? Give examples.
- I'd like to know what part of raiding you dislike the most and why.
- Also I want to know what raid encounter you've been on and dislike the most and why that encounter "sucks", so to speak, according to you.
While we don't clock potential 5 hour raids, we do raid more then 14 hours.
We need people that fit that bill and don't wiggle out of an earlier made attendance commitment.
We've also seen people take a step back from raiding just to accomodate critical academics - like their final year in highschool or finalizing their doctoral.
Got a boatload of questions for you.
I can understand if you don't want to answer these questions in public, I can take them all through PM on this forum.
The officers will want to discuss the answers and they can do so then in private and present potential followup questions in this thread.
- What are you studying and why is it a very important year to you?
- Why did you leave Vindictive for Amphitere?
- Why did you and Amphitere break up, and on what date was that?
- And why would you decide to go from Amphitere's breakneck schedule all the way to The Casual Club's two/three day raiding schedule and not apply at another guild?
- What did you do to "help" or how did you coach the raiders in TCC with their business in SSC and TKE? Give examples.
- I'd like to know what part of raiding you dislike the most and why.
- Also I want to know what raid encounter you've been on and dislike the most and why that encounter "sucks", so to speak, according to you.