IRL Info:
Name:Robin Johansson
In Game:
Character name: Gibb
Class: Rogue
Spec: 9/44/9
HP: 8784
A.P : 1604
Skining : 375
Leatherworking : 375 (Elemental
Cooking : 163
Fishing : 187
Need 5 post before I can put Urls up but just search for Gibb
Previous Guild :
Reason for leaving :I left my old guild because I transfered here from stormscale server to be able to play with som Irl friends nad its kinda hard to stay in a guild on another server so..
Raid Experience :Karazhan , Gruul , Magtheridon , Voidreaver , Lurker and morogrim in tbc
Reason for applying :Mercury @ Stormscale
Saw that your guild was recruiting a rogue on the realm forum and this guild seems to have a lot of good ppl in it. Because I'm realy more in to the raiding part of the game so I think this would be a nice guild to join.
Thanks for reading my application, i will be waiting for your reply.
Rogue application
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps
Rogue application
Last edited by Gibb on 01 Sep 2007, 10:31, edited 2 times in total.
If Ii say it like this All my friends are playing in different guilds atm so cant realy choose one of them to play with and still would like to raid so.
Dont realy know why I chose the fist wep but now it like this and kinda hard to change wep as I'd rather have swords now instead but to late to change. Naah they dont realy drop muthc tbh.
Aint realy an advantage to be fist as sword will always be better thx to the proc chans of an exstra hit.
Dont realy know why I chose the fist wep but now it like this and kinda hard to change wep as I'd rather have swords now instead but to late to change. Naah they dont realy drop muthc tbh.
Aint realy an advantage to be fist as sword will always be better thx to the proc chans of an exstra hit.