My name is Sigurd, a 24 year old guy from Norway.
I saw on the realmforum that you guys are recruiting some people, a rogue for example!
Well, that left me a bit excited, a guild finally recruiting a rogue!

As the title says, the character name is "Ondskapsfull" -- (oops, cant post links yet!

On this character I only have 4 days played at lvl 70, but i have played WoW from the launch of it.
I recently started playing on Euro servers after having played on US servers since the start, but raiding on a US servers being in EU timezone is no fun

Anyway, i leveled this character fairly fast, so i dont really have a "network" on this server yet(So no references etc in SM for example).
Since i hit 70 i've been trying to find a raidguild, i'm really lookin forward to being able to raid in normal evening time, but so far ive had little luck as it seems most guilds are set on rogues.
Before I've raided ZG, AQ20, AQ40(up to Twin emps), BWL, Onyxia, Naxx 1 boss and the world dragons pre-tbc.
In TBC ive raided Kara full, Gruul full, Doomwalker and Kazzak and SSC 1 boss.
As you can see from my armorylink, my gear is NOT top notch yet, but i know where to aquire the gear for the slots that are lacking, and i also try to tune the gear that is available to me for max pve dps.
I can -maybe- get the merciless offhand mace next week, if not then definatly in 2 weeks.
Im at 5/8 Nethers for the Drakefist upgrade.
I would really like to be a part of a guild that raids in a structured way, that is not afraid to tell their members if they are doing something wrong.
I can raid usually every day after 17-18:00.
Anyway, now i feel like im rambling and i probably missed to mention some vital information, so feel free to flame me for that.
Thanks for reading the wall of text that may or may not crit you ^^