Name: Tim
Age: 17
Country: Sweden
Character name: Yoggi
Character race: Orc
Class: shaman
/Played: 50 days on this char
Have vent installed: YES I got
Have Microphone and Can use it: YES I have
Past guild/s: Been in "Rebels with a clue"
Past raiding experiance: been doing some KZ and got some random epix from there.
Also has all the heroic keys
I have 1211 + healing and 81 mp5 (in combat)
speccing 0 / 5 / 56 --- can specc different if needed.
Im a wow G33k so im very active and love raiding, if it is anything you wonder, just contact me in game or feel free to Add my MSN.
would love some raiding with you guys ty for your time
70 resto shaman
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps