Character information:
Pala Protection / Holy
Proffesions: Jc(450)/Mining (366)
Last guild:Forsaken Chapter
WoW experience:WoLK
Progress on WoLK: ToC 10 man 5/5
ToC 25 man 5/5
Ulduar Allmost all
Icc 11/12 normal 10 man
Icc HC 9/12 10 man
Icc 7/12 25man
Information about me:
Hello my name is Panos.I am from Greece.I am 17 years old.The reason that i want t join to your guild is because i want to learn more about my character and rise my experience on icc25 man!!
The reason that i left my guild is because we stop the raids and the leader wasnt planning any icc25 and for cataclysm!!!
My rotation is on the cooldowns i usually start the fight with Judg of light / holy shield / HotR / Conc / SotR
Addons:Atlas Loot / Recount / Omen / DBM / Bartender / Pally Power / Grid
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps