Application of an old Fury warrior

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Application of an old Fury warrior

Post by Yõthar »

Hi all.

About me:
Name: Huub Mengede
Living in: the Netherlands
Place: Riel
bday: nov 3, 1968 yeah yeeah. i'm one of the oeps older ones. :twisted:

This is an application of an old fury warrior. Other spec is protection.
My name is Vondreth.
(before racechange better known as Era or Nakanotakeko.)

I'm the father of Yõthar a survival / marksman hunter.
We play since beta of wow. so yes quite some time.
Now friends of me told me you perhaps have some work for me to do. Sadly not as a protector but as beater. But that's fine by me. I like my fury build.
I prefer to raid. as so, as you can imagine I, or at least Yõthar, has done all to us known instances. past and present. most of them 100% some of them partially. Cleared toc 10/25 and from icc25 1st 2 wings. from that i personally only mis 1 boss from the second so i don't have the wing achievement. ( i only mis the professor. also did blood prince, but we wiped, and since then i have't been in our raids. still waiting on the bench till someone leaves the raidgroup)
He has been the main char/raider for years as they say so. But I have also been raider, gl, officer, gm etc. but i like to do it relaxed nowadays. i don't fedup, i do what i have to do. tank or dps to the limits. 8)
What my son (the hunter) doesn't like is to sit on the backup chair and just have to wait / pray that I may join a raid run when someone leaves the funparty or doesn't show up at all. frustrating sometimes.

Now it's time to move on I think. So I was wondering if you guys (and of course ladies), have a spot for me and my son in your family.

For your convenience we have logged out of this game in our dps gear.
I know it's not as good yet as most of yours. My sons gear is full lvl 245, my gear is lvl 232 with some 245 and a 251 2hander as you can see.
But that's mainly because of I'm in my current guild only seen as an alt and my hunter as main.

For your information here are our armory links.
Vondreth: eu,wowarmory,com/character-sheet.xml?r=Twilight%27s+Hammer&cn=Vondreth
Yõthar: eu,wowarmory,com/character-sheet.xml?r=Twilight%27s+Hammer&cn=Y%C3%B5thar

I can also raid the days you do, 19.30 will be close but i will be online. If I can't I won't sign up or let someone know who can tell ingame that i can't come or will be a bit later. (I believe that's the right thing todo.)
Also have installed ventrilo and ts.

(ps. these are not 2 people but only me. one person...Huub. This is story style. I made my warrior, Vondreth, 1st. weeks later i made Yõthar. So gametechnically he was born.) /lol

(pps. you can ask for example Dosan, Mysticbeauty and Zooltje about me. they know me rl too, yes I'm also dutch.)

I hope I haven't forgotten anything. If so don't kill me but ask.

If you have decided let me know please. I will read recruitment every day.
Last edited by Yõthar on 10 Feb 2010, 22:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fenz »

Ok just to be sure, 1 person is applying? :D
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Post by Blahran »

gl with your application
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Post by Yõthar »

hehe. yup. only 1 person Fenz.
and tnx Blahran
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Post by sudo »

you could still be fenz's son Im pretty sure. grandchild maybe even.
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Post by DvG »

Hehe nice and complicated :P

Good luck with the app :)
Aka zooltje
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Post by Mysticbeauty »

Know him:)

Last edited by Mysticbeauty on 11 Feb 2010, 19:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by manstrale »

Contact me ingame for a chat
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Post by Dosan »

Gl mate!
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Post by manstrale »

Welcome on a trial in SM
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