Restoration Shaman

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Restoration Shaman

Post by Inncubus »



main resto/secondary elemental shaman

Character name:


Previous Raiding Experience:
Well well, my raiding experience is mostly from tbc cause when i reached 60s tbc was coming at the stores :P. i had cleared all raids from tbc even though sunwell was cleared when i reached 80 ^^ no big deal e? :) from wotlk i have done naxx10/25, os 10/25, ulduar25 but ulduar 10 i havent cleared it yet. long story. voa10/25 cleared and toc10/25 too. also i have done toc10heroic 4/5 and toc25heroic 1/5.

Why application in sinister ministry:
cause u have a core group which i like, i have some persons that i know there and from what i ve heard u have a lot of fun -which i loveeee it babyyyy- . i want some change and i think that some things i missed i will find it here.

Does raiding day and times fit u:
Yes i have read the rules about raids and i am ok with that i dont have any problem even though some times i will not be able to participate.

alchemy 450/450 enchanting 450/450

Armory link: ... Menlinbone

Reason for leaving previous guilds:
hmm i think nikos=inncubus will explain it better than me

What do i expect from Sinister Ministry and what can Sinister Ministry expect from me ?
i ll expect to find what i missed from nonames. fun, interest,and no wheening....
u will expect from me to be a good guild mate, to help anyone who wants my help, to have fun with my jokes and i ll try to be a good raider.
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Post by Lillstrumpan »

officers are discussing your application atm.
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Post by Fenz »

Are you joined at the hip with the other people that are applying? Nobody has a garanteed raidspot (availability and skill will help you get a spot tho). I am asking since we are curious what you would do if you got less raid time as the other ex-NoNames people?

PS posting this in all the new posts from this week.
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Post by menlinbone »

don't worry fenz, when i applied to SM i didn't know or nobody garanteed me a raidspot. :) if u accept me, i ll be happy to help u anytime u need me either i have or haven't a raidspot.
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Post by Fenz »

Thanks for the reply.
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.