Yeah, we just spoke me and Nooki. Actually I was a bit positive suprised about how you handled some things... such as pots etc, I'm not a guy that's afraid of potting up or use mana pots - far from. BUT, I really don't like just wasting materials and my time (farming) on doing something, that basicly don't take any affect (fx. some DPSers in Amphitere, constantly spammed Haste potions on simple bosses like Winterchill).
It's fine, Sneek, I'm not any different from any other applicant. Lately, I've become a more chilled guy (towards WoW), I'm not the type of emo-hype guy, and I don't make retarded acts just because my bloodpressure raises for a short period. When I mean chilled, then I guess I can refer to the thing I said about my 'care-level dropped' as in, WoW doesn't mean as much as it did. That doesn't mean I won't play it, however I'm many steps away from the constant '14:30-02:00'-daily grind, as I've experienced back in the days.
I mainly just play WoW to hang out with people I like, and not increase my epeen size towards noobs. Nah, well I'm not the kind of guy that talks down to people - but I can't deny I felt kinda respected when I said I beated Kel'thuzad as 5th Horde in the world to my green-geared class mates. Likely, those sort of times is a part of the past. I guess some of this 'overdoped will to play' kinda dropped after experience the lack of quality in the new PvE encounters, sure some of them is great, but a lot of them is far from the quality pre-TBC. Now, it's more about just killing them to do it, and not to do it on any specific timelimit.
I haven't disappeared completely to the dust, it's just that I've had vacation last week... so used some time to enjoy it!
I get your point Arkandor, I can't say I completely disagree with you... It all basicly comes down to tolerance. I mean, if we're talking a guy that causes constant wipes... over and over again, for lets say almost a whole day? to a guy that just have a hardtime managing something, so he might cause a wipe once a week on a specific encounter. I just spoke with Nooki, and he said you had some trouble keeping up people during felrage at Bloodboil, well, that sort of stuff is 100% random. So it's really hard to blame anybody. If 80% of the Felrages gets targeted on Clothies, then it's almost impossible to keep them up - it's basicly like rolling a dice and hope for not enough amount of crushings to instagib the tank. In case I ever get these sort of times, where I get bored I raiding or tired of something - I won't like say 'gl hf guys nice to know you', but more just maybe chill a bit a take a few days "off", as in not raid. Which is what actually happend in Amphitere, but as me and a ex-near friend kinda lost the connection (socialwise) and started hating eachother more, then it ended up in me leaving the guild, as I got asked to do it. For what exact reason, I don't know - as they have a rank called Social which people that doesn't raid end up in. I have some thoughts about it, but I don't find it needed to share them in public, as it might make some people look bad on Amphitere, and I'll rather just remember it as a part of the past.
I don't know what more to write really, if I was unclear in any of my answer let me know - and I'll try to rewrite it more clearly.
Kozu, Paladin.
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