y0 everyone,
Ingame name:Smokes
Real Name: Tasos
Age: 18
Country: Greece
Gear: As i saw: You must have 5 posts before you can post URL's/Links.So u can search for my gear in armory. name : Smokes troll male rogue.
guilds: Order Of Gul dan on twillight's hammer,Project mayhem <one of the best of haomarush server>
Raid experience TBC:
-Gruul’s Lair
-Magtheridon’s Lair
I am a combat rogue i PvE and PvP a lot , I prefer pve.So i try to find a harcore raiding guild. ^.^
So why I choose Sinister Ministry?
I want endgame raids,make some new friends,and upgrade my gear.
My ingame time =):
I can be online everyday from 5:00 to 24:00.But in tuesday i have more work so i can be online at 20:30
Thx for your time reading my Apply. =))
y0! Rogue ~.^
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps