Hello im a 19 year old guy from Sweden that wants to join. I dont know if you are full of Rogues but if you arent I will give it a try. My character aint on the server atm but I will transfer him now in the comming days.
Atm im going in school but I have no problems with raiding and stay up late for some raiding.
If im not raidin im either playing an alt or farming rep/mats/gold.
Name: Apácho (Shatterd Hand)
Class: Bloodelf Rogue
Specc: Combat dagger rogue but have weaponds for both Mace and Sword specc, but prefer daggers. 15/41/5 but I can respecc if you want me to or if the officers tells me.
Proffesions: 375 Skinning and 375 Elemental Leather Worker
I have some experience of pre TBC raiding in ZG, AQ20, MC and some BWL as healer, but in TBC i have experience of clearing whole Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon and Lurker in SSC.
I have all heroric keys and exalted with some of them, but also exalted whit "The Voilent eye" and " "The Scryers".
Armor link: http://armory.wow-europe.com/character- ... p%C3%A1cho
Why I would like to join the guild is because, that I would like to get more experience in endgaming and to have a guild that I can progress whit. I have also a IRL friend in the guild that I want to play with and that I have been doing for a long time (Ithelia).
I will have respect for the GM and officers in the guild even if we have a disagreement whit some thing, but I will always listen and obey. Even if we whipe on a boss that the guild know that we can easy down, will I never give up the hope to raid any more.
If you wonder wich guilds that I have been playing in befor so is it "Legion of Attma" and "Enemy", you can find the both guilds on "Shatterd Hand"
That was all from me, Apácho
Apacho - 70 rogue
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps
Apacho - 70 rogue
And you thought you knew pain...
Posted from my account since he had problems registrating!
I know Apacho IRL and he is one of my best friends. We have played a lot together in all kinds of games and sports and I can really vouch for him that he is a great guy and teamplayer!
Good luck mate!
I know Apacho IRL and he is one of my best friends. We have played a lot together in all kinds of games and sports and I can really vouch for him that he is a great guy and teamplayer!
Good luck mate!
And you thought you knew pain...
I bet it's your alt rogue that Sneek refused to invite ! I see right through you !!!!Ithelia wrote:Posted from my account since he had problems registrating!
I know Apacho IRL and he is one of my best friends. We have played a lot together in all kinds of games and sports and I can really vouch for him that he is a great guy and teamplayer!
Good luck mate!
Even tho you are from the wrong part of Scandinavia we will give you a trial in SM. The other people from skåne will be your mentors. If you or they fail do you know what will happen?
Let me tell you: We will call a few huge Taurens to go to work on on your sorry asses with a hammer and an axe. You hear me talking skåne-boys? They will go medieval on your asses!
Let me tell you: We will call a few huge Taurens to go to work on on your sorry asses with a hammer and an axe. You hear me talking skåne-boys? They will go medieval on your asses!
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.