Hello SM
I am a tauren hunter and my name is Frenzy(ingame).I hope to join your guild
Well this is my application:
About me:
Age: 18
Armory profile:
Since armory dont work atm so here is a picture of my ingame stats etc:
My gear is full epic except those 2 trinkets and chest.You also can inspect me in game
My spec is Bm 41/20/0 atm but i dont have problem with changing it.
Raiding Experience:
Pre Tbc:Mc/Bwl/Aq20/Zg/Aq40 till Twins/Naxx 1st Boss only.
Tbc:kz/Gruul's Lair/Magtheridon/Ssc:3/6 bosses till Moro and Void Reaver in TK
But i dont think i will have any problem with the rest of the encounters in Ssc or Tk since i have read tactics and seen many videos.
Revered with all factions
Previous Guilds:
I was in Deathwishers for 1 year.I left the guild for several reasons.First of all, there isn't any guild spirit.They dont have a dkp system for loots etc, so this is a big problem,and sometimes they continued giving items that i needed more to some ppl that have better gear than mine and they were only 1 month or so in the guild.The last few weeks they invited me to raid just in case that someone will leave to fill the spot.Also many of them know each other and playing from the same place so they invited their friends.
Reasons that i want to join SM:
I want to join SM because i know that you are very good guild with nice progress and i think you fit to me.Also i want to make new friends, learn and defeat new encounters.
Also i dont have any problems with your raid times and i will be always on time and well prepared.
I have both vt and ts programms installed.So there is no problem with that and ofc i know how to use them.
Hope to hear from you soon.
If you want to know anything else about me, you can contact me in-game.
Hunter application
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps