Hi, to start off i'm an 18yr old boy from South Africa, i am currently a scholar and enjoy playing wow in my free time
Char name : Cmonkey
level : 70
Class/Race: Hunter/Troll
Raid Expirience: Pre-TBC: MC ZG ONY AQ20
TBC : Karazhan up to Aran and have been in Gruuls Lair but havnt downed Maulgar.
i am currently on my SSC and The Eye pre-quests
heres an amory link
http://armory.wow-europe.com/character- ... &n=Cmonkey
i have 3/5 Heroic keys atm will get the other 2 this week (that is Lower City and Sha'Tar)
i am a friendly guy who's not scared to help out fellow guildies leveling thier alts
on a side note: i do have a lvl 70 Rogue alt and a lvl 54 BE pala alt who im currently lvling
my goal in wow is to progress further in WoW, my previous guild wasnt as hardcore as i would have liked them to be, exploration in new raid instances is what exites me most in this game.
whilst im not wowing (i.e. during scheduled maintainance ;P) i play football or rugby outside
i hope i made a (at least fair) good impression and will be waiting for the verdict
Cya for now
Hunter application
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps