60 hunter apply :=)

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60 hunter apply :=)

Post by Zifan »

Real Name: Simon
Nationality: - Denmark
Ability to Speak English: good (Got mic)
Character name: Zifan
Class: Orc Hunter
Talent Build: 10/38/3
Prequests Complete: MC, BWL, ONYXIA, = done
Alternate Characters: 2 other lvl 60 - alli rogue and a mage.
Past Guilds: Evolution .
Rading History: Mc = done - Zg = done - Aq20 = done - Onyxia killed - BWL = done. on my rogue ofc.

Additional Information: Im a really nice guy and always happy and helpfully.
My Raid Availability
.... Available or Not Available.

Monday :16.00-24
Tuesday :16.00-24
Wedensday :16.00-24
Thursday :16.00-24
Friday :16.00-3.00 (at the night)
Saturday :14.00-3.00 (at the night)
Sunday : 14.00-24.00

i know the 20 and 40 mans instanc, i hope you can use me guys , /w zifan ingame ,im a really nice Guyi have raided with NGB some times and get some items :) . freindly and listen to all, and help ppl who need help :D
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Post by Fenz »

Thanks for your interest in SM but we are not looking for hunters at the moment.
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.