As the topic says me and Airen wants to join but we only come in pair, we have played together from lvl 1. and we would like to keep it that way
we both come from DL and we was in RN before that.
ok ill start off with a little about myself and my druid.
Name: Robin Jonsén
Location: Sweden
Age: 17yrs
Sex: Male
I have both TS and Ventrilo.
I have played my druid for a year now and i would say i know how to play it. its been trough full MC, BWL, AQ20, ZG and Done soe tries on C'thun in AQ40 and i have killed 3 Bosses in Naxx.
My druid
Name: Infame
Level: 60
Epic mount: Yes (dunno if it matters but meh)
Prof: Herb/Alch 315/300
Status: Im a active player so i attend to nearly all raids.
My profile: OK i couldnt get the fu*king wowreader to work so ill just post my gear and build instead.
My 0/12/39 specc
The gear: im aiming for +healing gear so i dont have a full SR and i dont want it ether.
I have full epic gear including relic \o/
3/8 SR
4/8 Cenarion
Jin'do's Hexxer
Jin'do's Evil Eye
Hide of the wild
Wildgrowth Spaulders
Idol of longlivity
Ley of the lifegiver
Dragonslayer's signet
Aq40 ring Revered
thats it for me,
Infame over and out.
Yo SM!
i live in sweden and Ian is my name ^^
Im a 17 years old boy and im very cute
My Character name is Airen and im a rogue.
I have been through MC/bwl/aq40(have done some tries on cthun)
My gear:Hmm I guess its kinda "ok" I have 7/8 bloodfang(missing belt Nooooo)
Nightslayer belt,Dragonfang blade and Iblis.
Atm am i combat dagger specced, sucks when you are guildless but owns when you are in a guild for pve
I have mining and engi as professions.
I think im pretty active being in the every raid isnt impossible for me even tho i might miss one.
Anyway not sure what to write more maybe "gief Invite plx"
Sorry for my english
hope youll consider letting us join
I (Infame) just forgot to say that i really dont know so many ppl from SM but i sure want to
Dual app from Airen and Infame
Moderator: Officer Corps Reps