Priest Macro's - will expand with new easy functionality ("#showtooltip" and "/dismount") with patch 2.0.2..
Proper Nukes
Code: Select all
# show Mind Blast
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast [harm] Mind Blast; [target=targettarget] Mind Blast;
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
Smart Targeting Shield
Code: Select all
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Power Word: Shield; [help] Power Word: Shield; [target=targettarget] Power Word: Shield;
Smart Targeting Heal w/ Shadowform"
Code: Select all
/cast [stance:1] Shadowform; [modifier:alt,target=player] Flash Heal; [help] Flash Heal; [target=targettarget] Flash Heal;
Informing others of your actions
Code: Select all
/cast [stance:1] Shadowform; Prayer of Healing;
/stopmacro [stance:1]
/s -- casting massheal, 3 sec --
Channeled Spells
Code: Select all
/cast [nochanneling:Mind Flay] Mind Flay