Since i already broke my head about the talentcalc, i'd like to know if my fellowmages would like to share some thoughts about the "new" talents.
Ofcourse other classes are welcome to help out too!
So, what will your spec be when you hit 70?
Some nice damageboots talents:
- Mind mastery
- Molten fury
- Arcane Potency
- Empowered Fireball/Frostbolt/AM
Discuss pls.
Imo the Empowered Frostbolt is nice, but completly useless while you can't take nice talents besides it. So unless the waterelemental is just IMBA good i will not go deep into frost. ... 0010000000 ... 0010000000 ... 5013000000 (think of ice lance too here)
TBC talents (mages)
TBC talents (mages)
Pay no attention to that man behind the Kororo! (