To Deadleg, for the tanking and Göstakniv for the dps, although i won over you and you know it. And Garmed for the shamanism and stuff i dont know what u did anyways (jk) but thanks, Lillstrumpan for the nice healing.
i havent forgotten Artax for the crystals and Amidamaru for the transmutation of the arcanite bars thanks guys a big fucking thanks.
At last i got my horsie quest done so now i can run as fast as the big guys.
without you it woulda´ve almost been impossible and no fun at all.
Thanks Again guys your imba
i hope to be able to make it up to you sometime.
A big salute for the guys.
*Sorry for the doublepost but i dont want it to go unnoticed*
Ps. i hope this lowers the distance between Odium/SM and Garmed and Lillstrumpan ds.
*A big fucking thanks.*
*A big fucking thanks.*
Last edited by Meek on 06 Jan 2006, 03:30, edited 1 time in total.