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Dr. Gordon Freeman
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Post by Lateralus »

Fenz wrote:Testing it in AV atm, I was Destro long ago, it still rocks.
Welcome to top killing blows hahah!! I doubt ull stick with it tho
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Post by Meek »

I was Destro long ago, it still rocks.
o yeah baby 8)
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Post by Lateralus »

Copy + Paste >>> http://www.sinister-ministry.com/phpBB2 ... php?t=1846

We need one warlock here who should tank one of the emperors as i understand. I think Fenz have started to gather shadowres and i just started to look into it. I also see that it helps ALOT to have engineering (40 extra from trinkets). I cant ditch my professions and i doubt that fenz will,, i hope its doable anyways.

Anyways i talked to a gnome warlock all morning (doll) and he posted me 2 links of what other warlocks wear during this encounter.


Well i dont know who of us is going to tank this one but i think its good if 2 warlocks at least gear up for this encounter (whenever we will get there).

Im posting here instead of warlock thread beacuse if people find good SR rings and such always talk to a warlock before u AH it

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Post by Meek »

where can i read about this encounter?
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Post by Gupim »

I never been rank 7 to get the gloves, guess they have it to spam searing pain. :oops:

guess best thing would be to get xen back in the game :)
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Post by Lateralus »

Gupim wrote:I never been rank 7 to get the gloves, guess they have it to spam searing pain. :oops:

guess best thing would be to get xen back in the game :)
i can get them back . no problem at all.. i like farming u know ;)
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Post by Lateralus »

Can anyone post their (if u have any) Soulstone and Summoning macro. Ive always used addon for this and i SUCK at making macros. So if u have them pls post so i can put them up on first page

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Post by Meek »

Strike first. Strike hard. Cobra Kai!
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Post by Lateralus »

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Post by Gupim »

/p Summoning %t click click
/ra Summoning %t click click
/cast Ritual of Summoning

/ra %t is SoulStoned
/p %t is SoulStoned
/script t="Soulstone" for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b) do y=GetContainerItemLink(b,s) if y and string.find(y,t) then UseContainerItem(b,s) end end end

started to use necrosis and discord now again to clean up the interface so i dont use my macros longer so you may have em ;)

"the problem" with these macros is that they spam /ra /p even is target is out of range and so on (thats why it sometimes seems like i have SS one person several times lately) and its possible to sovle this by adding some code but i never took my time to do that

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Post by Lateralus »

bump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP THIS THREAD OUT FROM PAGE 2!!!!!!!

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Post by Gorlom »

DAMN i thought we were rid of this =(
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Post by Meek »

your still the greatest! 8)
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Post by Kibs »

Meek, i've always wondered :
is that a chick in your signature, or a man with manboobies ? :p
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Post by Meek »

hehe, its my gf in my dirtbike googles and some scarf on her head trying to look like my warlock :P
yeah i know it looks pretty silly :lol:
Strike first. Strike hard. Cobra Kai!
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