yeah i was planning for a combination of the two. as matter of fact im gonna explain how im thinking since im dead bored at workYaur wrote:true, maybe a combination of the two, use you totemtimers for your standerd totems and a bar for a second set of totems.
imo, there is no use to have grounding totem on your totemtimers if you have to fight a melee group.
But anyway, if your fast enough i doubt it would be a real problem. Ill have to learn to focus on more then big numbers in PvP
alt-1 to activate earth menu, alt-2 for wind, alt-3 for water and alt-4 for fire
f1 for tremor totem (also thro totem timers)
f2 for poison clearing totem (also thro totem timers)
f3 for windfury totem
f4 for searing totem
(ill probably also have these 4 in a castsequence macro since i think these are the ones ill use mostly since im playing with a warrior in 2v2 and mage/shaman/warrior or rogue/shaman/warrior in 3v3)
and then ill have a hotkey for that earth slowing totem thing (always forget the name) to ease quick getaways and one for grounding
sounds doable right or am i missing a very much needed totem that ill need quick access 2?
so for the alt things its practically press alt-1 to get the menu and then its like 1-7 for the correct totem. should be easy enough after some practise
also do shamans use any downranks in arena? like lower rank of totems or heals? (i know about earthshock rank 1 ^^)