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Post by Rev »

I remember when you could tame the Elite pets and thay stayed elite. Boy that made leveling hunter soo much smoother
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Post by Mortleg »

for now the exotic pet families in the beta are devilsaurs, chimaeras, sillithids and worms. sillithids being cunning and worms tenacity.

With the recent talent update, BM got a nifty new talent called Separation anxiety, aspect mastery turned into a 1 rank talent and master's call is a learnable skill. Separation anxiety basically increases your movement speed by 10% if your pet is within 20 yards or increases your pet's dmg by 10% if its not (good stuff for both pvp and pve).

Chimaera shot got an insane buff. So insane that im actually considering going marks for wotlk. it used to be like this :

Chimaera Shot: Deals 50% weapon damage, and consumes your sting, triggering the following effect - for Serpent's Sting 40% of total SS dmg. for Viper Sting returns 60% of the total mana drained by VS to you. For Scorpid Sting attempts to disarm the target for 10 secs.

Now its like this: deals 125% dmg and REFRESHES the current sting, triggering the same effects.

this makes it a viable PVE tool with high damage, even higher if used in conjunction with serpent's sting.
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Post by Rev »

Whats the CD?

"Viper Sting returns 60% of the total mana drained by VS."
drained so far by VS or drained during a normal duration?

Do you have hunter specific stings or can you stick one viper on and have 5 hunters refreshing it for the duration of the bossfight totaly eliminating the need for mana regeneration. Yes that would be retarded but alot more retarded things has been implemented.

How does it handle multiple stings?

Stick 10 Serpents upp there and add a Chimera Shot does it refres and activate em all ?
Would be fun seeing a 4x full duration dmg along with 125% weapon damage in one nice button
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Post by Raniz »

Rev wrote:How does it handle multiple stings?

Stick 10 Serpents upp there and add a Chimera Shot does it refres and activate em all ?
Would be fun seeing a 4x full duration dmg along with 125% weapon damage in one nice button
Insane OP warning if it would work on everyone's stings. So my bet is that it'll only work on your own sting.
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Post by Mortleg »

cd is 10 seconds, and also stings are hunter specific
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Post by Rev »

Mortleg wrote:cd is 10 seconds, and also stings are hunter specific
ahh well thats understandable so i guess youll have to fina another way around
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Post by Rev »

then we keep going.

is the shoot proccing on hunterspecific stings or poison effects ?

can you duel MC forfit to add an extra sting on the target as the first sting might be hunterspecific but still acredited to another player?
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Post by Mortleg »

rly, you needed to ask? it triggers effects only for your own stings, sheesh...
can you duel MC forfit
i didnt even get what you mean here :>
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Post by Rev »

Mortleg wrote:rly, you needed to ask? it triggers effects only for your own stings, sheesh...
Well it sounds like you have played hunter/wow along time and if you have that you know all the retarded things that have been done in the past.
Hence to check if they are just proccing on Stings or Poision effects acredited to the hunter.

As you know so sort for stings takes alot more computing then just checking for poision effects and if say the scorpid poisions weren´t considered when the chimerashoot was implemented the dev´s may very well just make it easy and do a check for poision effects.

can you duel MC forfit
i didnt even get what you mean here

NM allready proved it faulty in theory.

Remember that everything that is new or fixed by blizz is in 80% of the cases fucked and utterly useless or can be applied in way not intended.
is prolly my favourite use of creative gaming.
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Post by sneek »

There's a similar uncertainty for Shaman right now.
In how their "Lava Burst" spell consumes whose "Flame Shock".

It's a pretty big deal for the Elemental and Enhancement shaman.
Still not sure they'll implement it correctly from the get-go.
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Post by Rev »

well there aren´t alot of consume spells out there, but druids have the swiftmend.
I have no clue how that actually works it just consumes a random regrowth or rejuvenation from a random player, it migh be highest heal or shortest duration left but in tests its allways differd so its basicly random hot from random player.
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Post by Raniz »

Another possibility is that it only does damage/manadrian based on your sting, but refreshes all stings on the target - sort of how Crusader Strike works for retribution paladins but with a different damage mechanic.
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Post by Versus »

Minding my own business in ogri with about 10 other people on training dummies testing i suddenly only saw a big claw covering my entire screen.

Think that devilsaur could use a shrink job with bw he grew even 50% bigger :roll:


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Post by Gaar »

is there a site which list these exotic pets?
Found those "core hound dogs" to appear fun..:P
OOOOOH! Those demondogs in naxx! Been wanting one of those since I first saw them around UC back in the days, (feb. 2005), and was sad as they turned out to be demons. But those dogs around the spiderboss (same skin) were listed as beasts, but were level 61 so couldn't tame them or something.
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Post by Seimor »

Surv hunter in action!
Nerf is so inc :P
nu ska vi testa om det går att åka segway på kullersten.
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