Pella's game recommendation -"Overlord"-

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Joined: 24 Jun 2005, 15:10

Post by agrabush »

the browns zerg is hilarious.. but the managing red/blue/greens is the best part of the game imo, good mix of challenge/progress.. also planning your army is great fun..
really happy with my 1brown(wellarmored puller), 4 blue(ressers), 6 reds(blue protectors, and for when level design requires distance troops), rest greens(imba insta dps)

the game lacks a map tho.. without a map, the game should at least inform you that "this quest is locked, you can't complete it before you've done this other shit" pretty sure I tried for 2-3 hrs to do find something and was really bored when I went and did something else, which finally opened what I was looking for.
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