Was reading some threads on varous hardware forums when i was doing hardware research for my future guildwars2 system which i want to run at 60 fps minimal even with 500 people on screen at once in WvWvW
Disabling the core parking feature in windows 7 might help more people i seen lots of thread of various mmorpg clients where it helped and other games. Seems to help more with very high end (gpu) systems especially though where sometimes you cpu limited.
Core parking is an energy saving feature of windows 7 that disables an core in short when it isnt' needed it wakes up the core when it is needed auto but this can cause stutter/lowfps dips for some people.
I seen threads where it helps some people with lowfps dips/microstuttering/in swtor/bf3/wow and various other games.
This is different from affinity setting/ht on/off fixes.
No guarantees if it works for you but you can always change it back
Here's how
Here's some threads about it
http://ultimatecomputers.net/forum/view ... f=7&t=3644
http://www.swtor.com/community/showthre ... 2&page=107
http://cmsracing.com/champion/forums/ha ... fps-17259/