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Post by Altarion »

Zilver wrote:Still worries me that HS is our hardest hitting skill.
why is that zilver? most of our dps comes from HS, the only thing i can think of is that our rotation is abit locked right now due to the fact that we are missing CS. lets just make a competition, the one that can have HS at 100% uptime wins 100g :D

BTW JUJU make a test aswell pls!
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Post by Altarion »

* Slam now deals 150% weapon damage, up from 100%.
* Whirlwind now deals 75% weapon damage, up from 50%.
* Raging Blow now deals 150% weapon damage, up from 100%.
* Bloodthirst now scales from 75% of Attack Power, up from 50%.
* Bloodsurge now also makes Slam free to cast.

and those that use rend in fury rotation

# Rend base damage has been increased by 50%.
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Post by Altarion »

ok so... i have followed EJ on the expertise and this is very intresting :


this was with 184 rating... for over 1 hour of 2x1.30 daggers on Boss dummy and there was no dodge

they say its down too 173 or 174 rating and i just regemed for another log test with 173 rating, see ya in a few hours :)
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Post by manstrale »

Altarion wrote:ok so... i have followed EJ on the expertise and this is very intresting :


this was with 184 rating... for over 1 hour of 2x1.30 daggers on Boss dummy and there was no dodge

they say its down too 173 or 174 rating and i just regemed for another log test with 173 rating, see ya in a few hours :)
have fun!
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Post by Altarion »

back from the dead... with test 2 of expertise:


this is nice, it seems that the cap is 22 (173 rating) yet too be confirmed on EJ. a few guys are testing 172 rating.
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Post by Yaur »

I think the cap is the same for all classes. 26. How much rating that is for warriors depends on what you get for talents/racials I guess.
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Post by Altarion »

yes it is for all classes, though it seems that the cap is lowered to 22 (the old 26) and the tooltip is wrong. and fury does not have expertise in talents, only passive 3%hit. its kinda nice if the new cap is 22 to have more room for other stats :)

Edit: it seems that its the same for the rogues that tested 172 (22) rating, but yet too be confirmed in live raiding.

you can follow the testing here: Elitistjerks warrior thread
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Post by Yaur »

I read the same thing in the shaman forum of EJ now. Pretty sweet.
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Post by Altarion »

ye, but i noticed that my tooltip is still 26, BUT the rating required is lower :)
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Post by Altarion »

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Post by Altarion »

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Post by Altarion »

So Cataclysm is here and how do we juggernauts that are clad in heavy armor reduce our foes too heaping piles of smoke? First we learn the new way to play our class with a little more finesse than before The new rage regeneration is based on our swings and the only thing that improves rage gain is haste, crit, hit and expertise. This leads too more awarness of the stats we use. and this is the key factors:

First of all is to get your expertise to 26 in mainhand (offhand dont matter since a yellow attack is based only on mainhand table) or 780 rating. Expertise is the singel most vital stat to reach.

Second is almost as important as the first and that is to reduce the dodge chance of the raidboss to 0 and to attain that we need 8% hit or 961 rating to not miss any of our special attacks. now with the rage gen changes it becomes more important too get higher hitrating but to reach 27% that are the hard cap for dual wielding fury warriors white attacks it takes 3243 rating and that is not something we will reach.

Third is Strength and after that its crit haste and mastery

so this is how we should weigh our stats:
Expertise(26)-hit(8%)-Str-Hit(towards hardcap)-Crit-Haste-Mastery

Though, dont do the mistake of blindly trying too max out one stat because its better than the other, balance is equally important!

As for reforging I went all out for hitrating with a few expertise to reach 26. But that is up too you to see what stats you can tweak, missing or can take away from.

The rotation I have found works very good for me and feels solid is based around Bloodthirst. BT-RB-HS-CS (1of4 slam if I have bloodsurge proc and have free gcd) i almost always start with 3 sunders and use the glyph of Colossus smash to refresh the sunder.

May your enemies tremble before your raging wrath!
Last edited by Altarion on 30 Dec 2010, 21:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thorment »

thanks altarion its just what i asked
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Post by Zilver »

Been searching for this, but cannt find it yet. Perhaps some of you know how to write it out in code.

I'm looking for a macro that with the pressing of 1 button will activate the following:
recklessness+deathwish+blood fury+trinket

Since they are all instant it shouldnt be a problem imo, but since i have no clue, i dont know how it works.
Remember, remember, the 6th of December,
The patch day treason and plot.
I see no reason, for BT and Cleavin',
Since Tseric wants us to spec Prot.
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Post by tormentio »

well i think i can "buzz"in

/cast spell1
/cast spell2
/cast spell3
/use 13 (first slot trinket)
/use 14 (first slot trinket)

Also note: i believe u need to check for stances if any of those spells depend on stance or not..i'm guessing recklness does so should go somewhere like

/cast [stance=3] Reckelness ....but not rly sure here


/cast Deathwish
/cast Recklessness
/cast Blood fury
/use 13 (or trinket name or 14 depending on slot)
Last edited by tormentio on 23 Jan 2011, 21:26, edited 1 time in total.
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