In september donkeynurse! Months away
Your favourite TV-series
Dexter S4 trailer: ... uly09_ccon
Followed by some Q&A with the actors btw. ... uly09_ccon
Followed by some Q&A with the actors btw.
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.
the guy that plays dexter i dating the girl that plays his sister so thats a nice pseudo incest thing they got going
has anyone besides me read the books? theres 3 of them
first one follows s1 pretty closely
then it starts getting messy in book 2 and the producers wrote their own s2 with certain elements from the book ofc
book3 is just a mess and tries to draw heavily on babylonian mythology and the supernatural and should be avoided its the matrix3 in book form
however by that time the producers didnt want anything to do with the written book so youre safe watching dexter on the tube
as far as daytime tv goes im stuck on "Antikdeckarna" on tv4 that and emerdale
has anyone besides me read the books? theres 3 of them
first one follows s1 pretty closely
then it starts getting messy in book 2 and the producers wrote their own s2 with certain elements from the book ofc
book3 is just a mess and tries to draw heavily on babylonian mythology and the supernatural and should be avoided its the matrix3 in book form
however by that time the producers didnt want anything to do with the written book so youre safe watching dexter on the tube
as far as daytime tv goes im stuck on "Antikdeckarna" on tv4 that and emerdale
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