I'm confused. Why have you listed the old orc racials?
Bloodfury increases both ap and spellpower + doesn't give any penalty to healing anymore, and hardiness is a 15% decrease in stunn duration.
What race will your Deathknight be?
orc of course. Bloodfury piiiwns, its like a massive trinket. Specially awesome for enchancement shamans and or melee dk's (or what the hell they do) Spelldmg aaand attackpower. Sickest racial by a longshot. Meet someone with equal gear, you are gonna win since you got bloodfury, finito.
Finally, an emotion I do not have to fake
IAM!Lateralus wrote:So who will be SMs first DK (alt for me offc!)
FUCK YOU, I HAVE TO WAIT FOR TOMORRAH!Lateralus wrote:Installing now!
Crap shop i ordered in though, but i get to sleep tonight!
Mains through the ages: Asharak -> Liandrin -> Shaidar -> Albeo
Sneek: So much, so fast. It's hard not to OD
Sneek: So much, so fast. It's hard not to OD