The almighty thread of funny stuff
Dutch only :p
Dutch only :p
Roses are red. Violets are blue. In soviet Russia, poem writes you.
LOL @ SFX =] And ofc the rest :ppsythe wrote:K.O
Moo! Happy now?
Funny random forum quote i found the other day...
spud_work wrote:I may be dumb, but i can punctuate and spell things correctly, which is far more than you can
|IcedFreon| wrote:its the internet. only spelling nazis care about that crap.
Mains through the ages: Asharak -> Liandrin -> Shaidar -> Albeo
Sneek: So much, so fast. It's hard not to OD
Sneek: So much, so fast. It's hard not to OD
thank you so much for that one, downloaded some albums from these artists and ordered the rest.Lateralus wrote:MARS VOLTA ... &plindex=3
One of the most fucking imba songs ever ... &plindex=8
At The Drive in ... &plindex=0 ... &plindex=0
And the very very very very best of ATDI
COSMONAUT (dunno about the video tho ,, 28days later wtf:p)
best part in this song is "2:25" is one of the best things ive heard ever
btw i think this needs to be in the other thread.
I got a headache from watching this. THESE PEOPLE UNQUESTIONABLY VOTED BUSH!psythe wrote:ppl in the states are bunch of stupid mother fuckers
Moo! Happy now?
awesome :p
awesome :p
Roses are red. Violets are blue. In soviet Russia, poem writes you.