the locked topic about runecloth guides
the locked topic about runecloth guides
HOW the BEEEP did deadleg get the last post? is he a moderator? who locked that topic? CONFESS! i will burn the truth from your flesh! filthy secrets! (SM named mob in the gy dialog)
Crezax wrote:If you feel you need to write something angry and insulting, write it down in Notepad, save it somewhere and look at it when you get bored.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO we both suck.. eh.. w8.. NO.. wtf... GET THE POST BACK UP!!!! Me need last post.. or i .. will never pl.. hmm i will.... BAH the hell with it grats deadlegGorlom wrote:DARN! couldnt you have waited untill i got the last post? delete deadlegs post please!!!!
then delete this topic