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Joined: 20 Sep 2006, 19:37


Post by Liecrist »

Yes, bored @ work :(
enjoy [sex pls]


A Tale in the Desert III
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $13.95

Ancient Egypt was a land steeped in history, achievements and wonder; a feral continent capable of turning bleak as quickly as bountiful, fallen as suddenly as fertile. Yet through it all, its robust people have woven a rich tapestry and, with the aid of a staunch belief in their almighty, overseeing gods and pharaoh, they constructed a civilization unlike any other in all antiquity. Relive a time when greatness was born not of weapons and armor, but of productivity and solidarity. Do you have what it takes to rise above the hardships you will face?
Its setting of historically real Ancient Egypt is not the only aspect which makes A Tale in the Desert III unique among MMOGs. It also lacks combat, focusing instead on socioeconomics as a path to character advancement. In addition, players are able to have a lasting effect on the virtual world; the game reaches an endpoint, after which a new chapter or “Tellingâ€� begins, which shows physical signs of the previous Telling. Players can even make their own rules by creating “lawsâ€� which are voted on by the players and then considered by the Pharaoh (who is in actuality the game’s developer, Andrew Tepper) and the GMs.
As its name suggests, A Tale in the Desert III is currently into its Third Telling and new players must cooperate with one another and make their way through the First and Second Tellings to reach the Third. The entire game, in fact, is designed to strengthen community above all else and the land is constantly changing as a result of community actions, giving the feeling of a living, breathing civilization. Though this tightly knit community numbers only in the thousands, the distinctive style of gameplay attracts many female players and garners a high level of civility and generosity.

Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Played by over 4 million gamers worldwide, A3 combines the compelling story telling of love, loyalty, friendship and betrayal with beautiful graphics, massive immersive worlds, countless quests, powerful weapons and unique items. Add to the moving music soundtrack with songs featuring London, Russian Orchestras and K-Pop stars, A3 starts during the Golden Age with the evil "God Beings" launching their assault on the harmonious Spirits, Humans and Ancient Animals. As cunning monsters ruled the land where destruction and doom prevail, a group of legendary knights and mysterious warriors unite and embark on their long journey of survival and victory. The story of an epic massive multiplayer online role-playing fantasy, action and adventure game is about to unfold.

Anarchy OnlineImage
Retail Price: $9.95
Monthly Fee: $14.99

In the very distant future, on a very distant and harsh desert world called Rubi-Ka, a war rages between two very different factions. At the heart of this conflict resides an unassuming mineral called a notum found only on Rubi-Ka. Notums became the key component of nanotechnology, their properties used in the development of technologies similar to magic. One faction, the rebellious Clans, grew tired of laboring in the notum mines while the competing faction, Omni-Tek, reaped the rewards of unrestricted control of Rubi-Ka. Thus began a conflict with no foreseeable end. Choose a side and turn the tide of war or remain neutral and chart your own curse of adventure.

Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

The game’s world, Kantra, is fantastically realised with stunning visuals, created using Renderware, and the game features incredibly atmospheric in-game audio recorded by the world famous London Symphony Orchestra. ArchLord will also introduce one of the most advanced and complex PVP combat systems ever in any MMO, which utilises sprawling free battle areas and special guild battlefields that enables players to battle in fearsome guild versus guild battles.
With an ever-evolving storyline of conquest and betrayal, ArchLord presents an epic adventure in which players band together as they quest for the ancient relics of the Archons. Each relic bestows incredible power on those who possess it and when relics are combined they deliver ultimate mastery over the fundamental forces of creation for there can only be one Archlord!

Ashen Empires
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $8.95

In recent years, prophecies have hinted that a new era was dawning, a time of change and instability, a time when the ugly balance of the Time of Ash could be lost... for better or for worse.
Sixteen summers ago, in the nation of Krythan, a boy-child of Lotor’s line was born and given the name Lotor. He survived to reach his age of majority and this summer not long ago received the crown of Krythan, taking the royal name of Lotor II.
Not long after, military forces claiming to belong to Talazar began laying waste to towns and cities in the western regions. They claimed not to follow some descendant of the original Talazar, but the corrupted warrior himself, and tales filtering from those distant places say that he is now a demon, a thing of inhuman places and unknowable intent.
Heroes, men and women skilled in fighting, have become more numerous in recent summers, some flocking to the side of Lotor II, some joining the forces of Talazar, others seeking their own way in this increasingly turbulent land.
And you are one of them.
Your skills and courage are enough to make you the master of any little village, the champion of any petty nobleman... but that is not enough. The challenge this new era poses calls to you. You can tip the balance of power â€â€� toward Lotor, toward Talazar, toward some fate no one can predict.
This chance waits before you, but you must act soon.
For such opportunities do not last forever...

Asheron's Call
Retail Price: $12.95
Monthly Fee: $12.95

On a magic-immersed planet called Auberean, in a time of turmoil known as Portal Year Zero (PY0), an impetuous, young mage named Asheron Realaidain unwittingly opened portals to an unknown and hostile alien world, setting upon his homeworld a mass invasion the likes of which it had never before seen. The Olthoi, a large insect-like specious, sent in waves of shadowy man-sized machines of death, all but decimating Auberean’s defenseless population. Those few who survived saw no hope for the home they once knew and were ushered through new portals opened by Asheron, unaware of what may lie on the other side…

Astonia III
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $9.95

Astonia III is a third-person isometric fantasy MMORPG and its predecessor, Astonia 2, is available as a free software download on some fan sites. In Astonia III you can play as either a Mage, a Warrior, or Seyan’Du (The best of both Mage and Warrior which must be earned by trial). Your orientation to the game starts in the small fortress city of Cameron where you take on a couple of simple quests before moving on to the capitol city of Aston. It is here that you will find most of Astonia III’s players (who tend to be very helpful to new players) and mines where you can dig for silver and gold used in the enhancement of your equipment. You’ll also find many quests here in the way of labyrinths and random dungeons.

Auto Assault
Retail Price: $44.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

Auto Assault is at its heart a MMOG with RP elements. Whether you choose to take on NPC given missions or go head-to-head with other players, this game is all about vehicular combat on a grand scale. Take on the role of one of three factions and explore a post-apocalyptic future in customizable cars, motorcycles, semis and even tanks. Choose to play as a Human and fight to preserve what remains of humanity, as a Borg-like BioMek and extol the virtues of a mechanically driven world, or as a Mutant and spread the word of divinity via a holy crusade. Each faction endeavors to carry out their aims with the aid of abilities unique to each of them.

Battleground Europe: WWII Online
Retail Price: $9.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

World War II Online (WWIIOL) is a combined arms strategic and tactical war simulation, or virtual battlefield, with the distinction of being the first MMO First-Person Shooter (MMOFPS). WWIIOL utilizes a military rank system of player leadership which adds a RPG element to this MMOFPS. In 2006, WWIIOL was re-packaged and re-released as World War II Online: Battleground Europe and included many needed gameplay fixes and updates. Due to WWIIOL’s depth of realism, the learning curve is rather steep and a character’s life can end with a single, well placed shot, resulting in the intimidation and even frustration of many newcomers.

City of HeroesImage
Retail Price: $28.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

City of Heroes is a MMORPG for the super hero in all of us. It all starts with an extensive character creation system where the player can choose an archetype (which determines superpower choices) and Power Sets, design a distinctive costume, and even write a back story for their hero. As with most MMORPGs, experience points, and eventually levels in City of Heroes are gained via vanquishing foes and completing missions. These levels are called “security levelsâ€� in this MMO and they grant heroes increased health, more powers, and added slots for holding power enhancements and temporary power-ups.

City of Villains
Retail Price: $28.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

City of Villains is a MMORPG based on the superhero comic book genre and is integrated with City of Heroes. Character creation in this MMO is a detailed process, making for a very diverse assortment of characters in the game. Several improvements over City of Heroes accompany City of Villains which include an instant-access mission system, PvP areas for hero vs. villain battles, the ability of players to build Super-Villain bases, better graphics, and rag doll physics. Super-Villain bases are similar to guilds in other MMOGs, allowing members to, among other things, meet privately, travel directly to specific zones and craft base improvements using NPC “salvageâ€�.

Clan Lord
Retail Price: $34.95
Monthly Fee: $9.95

Clan Lord is an online community of exiles. It is a game of adventure and fun where players cooperate with rather than prey upon one another. In many ways this game is what you make of it ... almost every clanner has a different opinion of what Clan Lord is and has a different reason they play.
Technically speaking, you play by downloading software and using your existing Internet service to join the community of exiles in Puddleby. The game uses a simple point-and-click interface that you can customize and even use to record (like a video) your exploits. Whatever you type will appear in a bubble above your character making communication very easy. Our free demo lets you get accustomed to using the game before you create your first character.

Conquer Online
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

Conquer Online is a 2D fantasy MMORPG set in a mythical Chinese environment. Gameplay is focused on combat using martial and magical arts. Guilds are a mainstay of this MMOG takes guilds seriously and allows unrestricted player killing (PKing) . High leveled players can start their own guild for one million silvers (the in-game currency), and while anyone may join a guild, to leave one requires a donation to the guild of no less than 20,000 silvers. Guilds can have guild branches, each with their own branch manager. Every two weeks, an all-out “capture the flagâ€� guild war is allowed.

Dark Age of Camelot
Retail Price: $16.99
Monthly Fee: $12.95

Dark Age of Camelot is a medieval fantasy MMORPG set in the turbulent time immediately after King Arthur’s death. A whopping 44 different classes and 18 different races (six per realm) are available for playing in this MMO. Gamplay involves fighting animals, monsters and NPCs, completing quests and tasks and defeating other players in combat, all at the discretion of the player and to earn money and experience for leveling. Each level (up to level 50) opens up new skills and abilities to the player. Expansions to Dark Age of Camelot allow for additional “parallelâ€� levels beyond the level 50 limit which make unique skills and abilities available to dedicated players.

Dark Age
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: $9.95

Dark Ages is a Celtic mythology-themed MMORPG and based somewhat on the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. This MMOG supports good roleplaying and mentoring by granting positions of in-game power. Those who play their character’s roles well and help guide new players can become a very influential part of the game in religious or political circles.
Players of Dark Ages begin as a Peasant class and can choose to be a Monk, Priest, Rogue, Warrior or Wizard class after enough experience is gained. Like most MMO’s, experience in this game is earned through monster killing and quest completion. Dark Ages features seven types of in-game contests held to enhance player recognition. These are Art, Biography, History, Literature, Lore, Memory, Philosophy and Poetry. These contests are voted on by other players and Winning a contest can have numerous benefits in the forms of experience, clout, a legend mark, and money.

DarkEden Online
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

After making the research while the flight, E.V.E has found the Blood Bible of all vampires, these books contain all secret of the vampire. The force launches the new target to search and destroy the Blood Bible, in the target of stop the long historic flight of two races. From a very long history of war between Human and Vampire, a haft Human haft Vampire was born, they was called "Ouster" the abandon race. They was hide themselves from the great was since the 15th century, combine with a stolen of "Blood Bible". The Ouster start to keep those books ever since. But finally from investigate of E.V.E; the special force has reviewed the keeper of the "Blood bible". Ouster finally has been brought to joint the flight by protect them from both Human and Vampire."

Retail Price: $19.99
Monthly Fee: $9.99

DarkSpace is a MMORTS which consists of multiplayer spaceship combat between three player-controlled waring factions: the Human UGTO (United Galactic Trade Federation) and ICC (Interstellar Cultural Confederation), and the alien K’luth. Other, more mysterious and elusive NPC races are also present in this MMOG: the Space Pirates, miscellaneous space-traveling entities, and the MIR (dangerous, ruthless machines also known as the Legion). Most of DarkSpace takes place within a persistent universe, but some time instanced solar systems can be fought over.
The goal of DarkSpace is to gain control of as many planets as possible in the name of the player’s chosen faction. In this MMO, every player starts out controlling a single, small starship, but better and better starships can be had as players rise in rank. Ranks are raised by accumulating “Prestige Pointsâ€� through various task completions, each of which is specific to the type of spaceship available to the player.

Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $12.00

DOFUS is a MMORPG or massive multi-player online role-playing game combining a heroic fantasy world and a highly coloured 2D design.
Being both a role-playing game and an interactive cartoon, DOFUS is aimed at both hardcore and casual gamers.
DOFUS is a complete multi-player video game, one of those rare MMORPG to offer maximum functionalities, the list of which is still growing thanks to the updates that are accessible to all subscribers with no additional payment.

Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

After the god Zebus created the mysterious Dragoon Continent, a vast land of great mountains and deserts, and inhabited it with the 8 Great Clans. The land was ruled by the superior clan – the Dragon clan. All of those have been changed after the birth of mighty human king Lutanius. With the help of the Wizard Handrake and 8 courageous warriors, the Dragon lord was defeated at the great Battle of the Autumn Oracle. Wizard Handrake abandoned King Lutanius, because the king destroyed 7 powerful Rune stones without ask his advice. Dragon Lord and Wizard Handrake sought to end the ongoing battle between the Human and Dragon Clans, and decided to use the last Rune Stone to create the ¡°Dragon Anointing¡±. A mystical liquid was formed from the Dragon Anointing Ritual and then used upon Dragon Raja, the ruling baron of the Dragon Clan at that time. Thus did the mighty god Zebus vanish from the new land of Dragoon, which was christened with the name: Bias. Over the years, the battle between Bias and Jaipun has never ended and the two forces are exhausted. This is the place where many heroes will arise towards a common goal, and this is the place where Dragon Raja must be forced to face his destiny.

Dungeons & Dragons OnlineImage
Retail Price: $44.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach uses the revised edition of the D&D 3.5 rule-set. Choose to play as a Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Drow or even Warforged, a living, sentient construct exclusive to Eberron. A party of up to 6 players can brave quests within the walled city or even seek adventures on distant lands. Or take up the challenge of a raid with a part of up to 12 players. Either way, whether exploring indoors or outdoors or deep within a cavernous dungeon, combat is always real-time rather than the tabletop game’s turn-based style.
Unlike most MMORPGs, players of Stormreach gain experience by completing quests. Slaying monsters will usually increase the size of the experience reward, but is not always central to the reward. Quests were intended to be completed only with a party of players, though a change was made in June 2006 allowing some simple, low-reward quests to be accomplished solo by lower level players. A “Dungeon Masterâ€� narrates all quests, giving additional details and information to the players about what they see and hear. One special chain of quests is even DM’d by D&D co-creator, Gary Gygax himself.

EVE OnlineImage
Retail Price: $19.95
Monthly Fee: $14.95

EVE Online is a science fiction a MMORPG set in space and is one of the very few MMOGs in which all players exist in a single enormous virtual universe at the same time. Gameplay revolves around players piloting customizable spaceships, of which there are many designs available and each of which is suited to specific tasks (bigger is not always better and faster is not always favorable). Unlike many other MMO’s that grant character advancement through earned experience points, a player’s character in EVE Online “learnsâ€� skills by training a specific skill over time, even when not logged in.
There is much to keep players occupied in EVE Online’s MMP universe including combat, research, mining, manufacturing, piracy, trading, missions and cargo hauling. While NPCs sell low-tech goods, the rest of EVE Online’s economy is player driven. In combat, spaceship builds are just as important as a player’s tactical ability and flexibility. EVE Online features an open PvP system. This means any player can attack any other player anywhere. This system is countered by each solar system possessing a security rating. The higher the security rating, the safer a solar system is for space travelers.

Endless Ages
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

Life’s eternal struggle rages across thousands of different worlds as race after race fights for survival. For those that exist on this plane, the last unanswerable question becomes “What will happen after death?â€� Countless deities are worshipped in the hope that the afterlife will be a far kinder place than the one they leave.
Nature is used to describe the endless struggle that rages across the universe where only the strong survive. Time after time the defenseless suffer while the strong and ruthless control the fate of the weak. Each being lives and dies, each finding their place and each wondering what will happen when their candle finally burns out. When it finally happens, very few find themselves correct.
The light at the end of the tunnel leads to a surreal world where the entities gain new bodies, sometimes of races completely unfamiliar to them. With no recognizable guides, each person must find their way again. Yet in this new world, they are given a fresh start. The bodies they gain are fully grown and more capable than those they had in their previous life. The weak in body have become strong while those of weak mind are now capable of advanced thought. Everyone has the same potential in this constantly changing world and anything that is possible can happen when the beings find themselves able to create whatever their dreams desired in life. Speech is no hindrance as universal language has been given to everyone and death simply means a rebirth to this plane.

Entropia Universe
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

As a MMORPG the world of Project Entropia is set to take you on an epic journey into the future, to a place far away from Earth, beyond the borders and frontiers of known space. The central point in the human universe is now focused on one single colony on a distant planet named Calypso. The world on Calypso will be under constant development and will initially include three vast continents with large expanding cities where you begin your life. The cities will offer you an immense virtual playground for social interaction with other players in a thriving social community. It will contain various forms of in-game institutions, real online services and a variety of virtual entertainment.

Eudemons OnlineImage
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

The Eudemons Online is a fantasy MMORPG game. In this mythic world, you can choose to become a Warrior, Mage and Psychic. Command your heroes to adventure on the vast land of Yart and challenge the power of sword and magic.

Retail Price: $9.99
Monthly Fee: $12.95

Welcome to the world of EverQuest, a real 3D massively multiplayer fantasy roleplaying game. Prepare to enter an enormous virtual environment-an entire world with its own diverse species, economic systems, alliances, and politics. Choose from a variety of races and classes, customize your character, and begin your quest in any number of cities or villages throughout multiple continents. Equip yourself for adventure, seek allies and knowledge, and experience a rich world of dungeons, towers, crypts, evil abbeys-anything is possible-even planes and realities beyond your imagination. Meet new friends from around the world to face epic challenges. Make yourself a noble human knight, a vicious dark elf thief, a greedy dwarven merchant, or whatever suits your desire.

EverQuest IIImage
Retail Price: $24.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

EverQuest II, like the original EverQuest, is a MMOG focusing heavily on questing and killing creatures for loot and experience points and offering such MMORPG standards as guilds. However, EverQuest II improves substantially on the original. Trade skills are now a much more engaging character archetype. Also, an optional “locked encountersâ€� feature has been added which prevents kill stealing and power leveling as. Sound in EverQuest II wasn‘t overlooked either. Professional actors contributed 130 hours of dialog and a great deal of original music was composed for EverQuest II. “Live Updatesâ€� to EverQuest II have instituted such major changes as additional servers and closed arenas for mutual PvP and dueling.

Face of Mankind
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $12.60

Face of Mankind is a science fiction-themed MMORPG playable in either first or third person and centering on role play, community and a completely player-driven economy. Face of Mankind also bears the distinction of being the first MMOG of its kind to utilize a player-generated mission system. This is handled by highly ranked players who create missions which are then split and handed down through the player hierarchy. The ultimate goal of individual players, however, is to develop their characters (Combatant, Commander, Medic or Trader) to the greatest heights of wealth, power, social status, or a combination thereof.

Final Fantasy XI
Retail Price: $19.99
Monthly Fee: $12.95

Despite being called Final Fantasy XI, this MMORPG is unlike previous titles in the series in many ways. Final Fantasy XI can be played in both first and third-person. Also, the player is only able to control one character, but can fully personalize their character. Lastly, Final Fantasy XI’s environment does not switch to a turn-based “battle areaâ€� when an enemy is encountered. Past level ten, this MMOG strongly encourages parties of up to six players and up to three parties can ally to take down especially difficult foes. A monster in Final Fantasy XI becomes “claimedâ€� once a player attacks it, which means only members in that player’s party may attack the monster unless they “call for helpâ€�.

Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

In ancient times, five Gods of Lais sought to create a new world with new inhabitants that could live harmoniously among them. They gathered and agreed to create Roika Mainland; their new world. They created water and the earth, animals and plants as well as humans. At this time, and at all times in Roika Mainland, it is a time of peace.
After years of peace, the God’s decided to leave Roika Mainland and create a new world. With this, they handed all of the secrets of the land over to the kind race of Dwarf. The God’s only wish was that the world would remain as beautiful and peaceful as it was in their rule...

GoonZu Online
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

GoonZu Online offers Item Manufacturing System, where users create all of the items used in the battle, in the Stock Exchange System (to support active economic activities) and also the items used in the Real Estate Property Trading& Leasing System. Users can elect their GoonZu who governs their server through the Resident Election. Each town is operating under the local autonomy for collecting taxes and providing social welfare services and users’ political freedom is fully guaranteed. Now you are about to participate in the hunting, commercial trades, various social activities and politics in order to become the character of your choice. You can be elected as GoonZu and rule the world by obtaining the wealth and the authority. You can support GoonZu as a faithful cooperator, the financial power player who controls the wealth of your town, or become a successful manufacturer producing the best items.

Guild WarsImage
Retail Price: $39.95
Monthly Fee: Free

Guild Wars is a Cooperative/Competitive Online Role Playing Game (CORPG) with emphasis on skill selection similar to collectable card games. Many aspects of this game differ from other ORPGs; NPC henchmen are available to assist players during missions, all mission areas are instanced, the level cap is set at only 20 (Experience is still gained past level 20, but skill points then take the place of levels.), players may create a level 20 character from the start for purposes of competitive PvP gameplay, travel to new areas is instantaneous, and skills are interchangeable. Perhaps the biggest difference is the lack of a monthly fee, with the game developers opting instead to release a new stand-alone “campaignâ€� roughly every two years.

Guild Wars FactionsImage
Retail Price: $49.99
Monthly Fee: Free

Guild Wars Factions is the first stand-alone chapter, or “campaignâ€�, expanding on Prophecies, the original Guild Wars game. There MMO provides much in the way of new content; a completely new PvE campaign, new gameplay modes for both PvE and PvP (competitive missions, challenge missions and alliance battles), and new skills and armor. Perhaps the best additions, however, are the two professions; the Assassin is a master of both stealth and speed, while the Ritualist makes effective use of bound spirits, weapon spells, and ashes of the dead. Some of the criticisms of Prophecies have also been addressed in Factions.

Guild Wars NightfallImage
Retail Price: $49.99
Monthly Fee: Free

Guild Wars Nightfall is the third in a series of stand-alone “campaignsâ€� set in the Guild Wars CORPG universe, following the Guild Wars Prophecies and Guild Wars Factions campaigns, and has been in development since November 2005 with a scheduled release date of October 27, 2006. Little is known about Nightfall, but two major additions have been confirmed. First are the two new professions available beyond the six core professions. They are the Dervish, a sort of holy warrior who wields a scythe, uses many different enhancements and has the ability to temporarily transform into a godly likeness, and the Paragon, a spear throwing support class capable of aiding all nearby allies by shouting and chanting. Second are the customizable heroes which take the place of NPC bot henchmen available in the first two campaigns. Unlike henchmen, customizable heroes level up with the player, follow player instructions, can have their skills and equipment selected by the player and can even be used in Hero vs. Hero PvP.

Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $9.95

On behalf of The Reconstruction Initiative, I welcome you to our universe. If you don't already know of us, The Reconstruction Initiative is an ongoing interfactional effort with two major missions: to bring relief to those in need, and to advance the evolution of interstellar civilization. We recruit the quickest and brightest planet-bound individuals from several sectors across known space to aid in achieving our goals.

KAL Online
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

14th king Hanin accedes to the throne and new sky has been open. Since the nation lost its power by long drought and civil wars in the time of king Guhbalkhan, they are attacked from foreign enemies continuously. Especially, the Tow tribe and the Hwasan tribe. They break the agreement that not to invade each other and attack Naraeha. The king Hanin angers with their attack and he mobilizes his entire troop with fully equipped. The troops of Hanin and the king himself attack the troop of tribe of Hwasan. Hanin occupied Dangsang on that battle and its called the great battle of Dangsang. After the great battle of Dangsang all the colonies surrendered but the tribe of Tow never give up and the great warrior of Tow attacks Hanin with his troop that are twice much bigger than Hanins troop. However, he also could not win from Hanins great tactics and the civil war ended.

Knight Online
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

Knight Online is a fantasy MMORPG in which players must choose to play as an orc and side with the nation of Karus or play as a human and side with the nation of El Morad. There are four classes to choose from (Warrior, Rogue, Magician or Priest), and a second class may be chosen at level ten. This MMOG features many different zones (which can be reached via Warp Gates for a price) to adventure in and events (some scheduled, some spontaneous) to participate in.

Legend of Mir 3
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $12.99

Since The Legend of Mir II, there have been considerable changes and upgrades made and this has led to the creation of this new and most promising sequel, The Legend of Mir III.

Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $15.00

Fantasy In the medieval world of Lineage™, choose to be a gallant knight, a resourceful wizard, a crafty elf, or a revered prince or princess. Play surrounded by guarded castles, perilous forests, sinister fens and valleys filled with the undead. Slay ferocious monsters unlike any known to man or elf.
Adventure Discover the massive and ever-expanding world of Lineage. Journey to the fiery pits and rocky crags in the lair of the dragon, Valakas Descend into dark, dank dungeons and conquer monsters – living and dead - for treasure Explore the watery depths of the Kingdom of Eva and fight creatures of the deep Travel to cities to replenish supplies, swig ale and boast of your victories at taverns and inns Fight and win at the sides of your pledgemates The world of Lineage is continuously growing, making no one game play experience the same.

Lineage 2Image
Retail Price: $29.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

Lineage II is a medieval-style fantasy MMORPG and a true continuation of the original Lineage. Lineage II features considerably enhanced first-person 3D graphics over its predecessor by utilizing the Unreal 2.0 Engine developed by Epic Games. There are five choices of races to play in this MMOG; Dark Elf, Dwarf, Elf, Human or Orc, and a player can keep up to seven characters on a server. Gameplay is either solo or grouped and either PvE or PvP. In order to gain experience points, new skills, and various item drops, monsters can be battled and quests can be completed. Also, there are many social, political and economic aspects to participate in as you travel the expanse of Aden.

MU Online
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

It has been long since MU Empire with thousands years of history lost its control over the Continent. While the central government was losing its power, feudal lords went into fights in order to get the control over MU Continent. Owing to repeated killings in the long war, the beautiful MU Continent was no longer itself. It was the very time that MU Continent got wrapped in a whirlpool of blood.
Antonias’ ambition to control MU Continent was so excessive that he was easily deceived by wizard Lemulia and brought Kundun, Devil of Darkness, to life. Seeing that his lovely daughter was torn out by Kundun’s teeth in front of him, Antonias wept tears of blood and repented. Finally, he got killed by Lemulia. However, Antonias’ death had no significance any longer because Kundun has already been revived.
Only the way to keep the tragedy in MU Continent, which was made by wrong desire, is to find 8 sealing stones and then, seal Kundun again with them. Who can make it? Devil of Darkness has already started to take actions to destroy MU Continent. Start now! Only the sword in your hand can keep Kundun.

Maple Story
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Have you ever wanted to go back in time to the glory days of 2D, side-scrolling, console-style RPGs. Well, add an MMO and free to play to the mix and you have MapleStory. Join over 50 million other players in real time worldwide in defending “Maple Worldâ€� from monsters of every size, shape and challenge level. Venture deep into dungeons solo or with a party of up to five other players and root out the beasts below as your character - whether Warrior, Magician, Bowman or Thief - collects money and useful items, gains experience points, levels up and improves a wide array of skills. Even join a guild of like-minded gamers. Or, just hang out and chat, trade, or play a unique minigame or two. The vast world of MapleStory is whatever you make it.

Martial Heroes
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

Martial Heroes (D.O second edition) is a full 3D online martial arts game describing such a world. When reading a martial arts novel, a reader usually stretches the imagination in his or her own way, where he or she becomes a hero or heroine, fighting enemies who are threatening the peaceful world for his or her guild, overcoming crises to obtain gifts from the gods, and finally becoming the head of the world.

Minions of Mirth
Retail Price: $29.95
Monthly Fee: Free

Minions of Mirth is a massively single player, multiplayer, persistent world RPG. It's epic scope and diverse gameplay will keep novice and hardcore players coming back for more, and more!

Myth War Online
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

Myth War Online is a large scale MMORPG based in the magical european middle age era. Four classes of species exist, the Humans, the Centaurs, the Magicians and the Half Human Robots.
What is exceptional about this MMORPG is the way the graphics are rendered. Instead of the usual 3D graphics that we see now in many games, we are experiencing a wave of nostalgia from the beautiful hand-painted 2D graphics.
Combining the powerful visual element of the game along with solid gameplay is the ultimate elixir for creating a long lasting ultra playable multi-player game. The maps are huge and detailed and the game is so in-depth that individual characters can posess over 200 skillsets!

Neocron 2
Retail Price: $36.88
Monthly Fee: $12.95

Neocron is the world's first and only MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) that brings you a dense Cyberpunk atmosphere. It is also the first MMORPG that looks, feels and is almost as easy to play as a 3D first person shooter.
Play with (and against) thousands of players online in the post apocalyptic world of the 28th century. You become a citizen of one of the last mega cities on Earth (Neocron) and it is up to you whether you want to experience exciting adventures or just lead a normal life in this virtual world.

Phantasy Star Universe
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

The long awaited new title in the beloved Phantasy Star series is on its way! Phantasy Star Universe delivers a rich, ever evolving world and will provide hours of entertainment to both online and offline RPG enthusiasts. Single-player fans will embark on an offline quest as Ethan Waber, a 17-year old cadet intent on saving his sister from an invasion of mysterious life forces called THE SEED. While online players will create their own characters from a range of races, and then set off to explore all three planets in the Grarl solar system. Fans will travel with a squad of other adventurers, enter urban sprawls teeming with hundreds of other players, and build their avatars into powerful warriors.

Retail Price: $9.99
Monthly Fee: $12.95

Massively Multiplayer Gaming takes on a new face in PlanetSide™, where thousands of players wage war in a battle of planetary proportions. A newly designed 3D engine drives PlanetSide's first-person player-to-player combat and vehicular warfare across ten continents.
It doesn't matter if you're an avid RPG gamer or a fanatical FPS player, you'll find something in PlanetSide that's just right for you.
The stage has been set, the battle lines have been drawn, and orbital drop pods are ready to deploy you PlanetSide.

Priston Tale
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $12.99

Priston Tale is a Full-3D MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) based on the players? adventures in the continent of Priston.
The 3D environment allows detailed character models and actual differences in height, making the whole experience much like watching an animated movie.

RAN Online
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

18 years ago on the sky above the land of Asia like never before an eclipse took place, in the dark, millions of falling stars flying across the sky. Then, after 16 years, there comes an influential Sacred Financial Group that has the power which is great enough to be the rival of the country, and under this group four unique educational institute were form. The four institutions are: [Sacred Gate Campus], [Mystic Peak Campus], [Phoenix Campus], and [Leonine Campus].
Students in each campus been through very stringent assessment, those are all top sports students that were pick from all over the nation. Even though each campus is very much influence by the normal sports campus, yet they have a very distinct syllabus as compare to the normal sport campus. Furthermore, all four campuses are built from structures that look like some Spells, therefore some of the students felt strange and bewilder, and reluctant to study in these four campuses. All students from these four campuses have experience some distinctive experience, in the end the students are not able to live a simple campus life, thus, all the doubts that used to bother them are eventually being forgotten in their daily lives. There are rumors mentioned that when the students reach the higher grade, they will be taught all kind of combat skills that seldom being taught in those combat troops.

ROSE Online
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $11.99

Our universe, or as it is called in the old tales, the 'Sea of Souls,' was a vast ocean of darkness until the goddess Arua created the seven planets. Each one of them was special, and not one planet was like the other. However, all seven planets were created with Arua's love and they shone with the brilliance of seven stars, filling the vast ocean of darkness with wondrous light and life.

Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

Once upon a time, there was a time when monsters ruled over the world and human beings were merely a small community. White Dragons, the king of the monsters, worried about the world becoming deserted and despaired due to the exceeding number of monsters. Therefore, they kept the balance between the monsters by waking up from their hibernation and eliminating any monster species that threatened to take over the world by overpopulating themselves.

Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Rappelz which ranked 7th in Korea only 1 month after its launch is a FREE to PLAY MMORPG set in a medieval fantasy world, with features designed to appeal to both casual and hardcore players alike. Rappelz comes with extensive lists of quests, allowing users to play solo and/or group up and level at their leisure. Along the way, you will be able to customize your character with a deep job system that allows for unique character builds, and you will fight using a combat system that allows the usage of pets, tamed from various parts of the Rappelz world, to fight alongside and assist you. The pets can be leveled up as well, with their own talent and job skills.

Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: $5.95

Experience over 100,000,000 km of seamless reality in an accurately simulated extra-solar system. Use ground, air, and space vehicles and structures to discover and develop sprawling urban cities, rain swept valleys, vast uncharted deserts, and glittering alien seas. Freely climb to space to take part in physics-accurate orbital maneuvers as the economic and social frontiers expand to interstellar commerce and travel. Colonists arrive and thrive in the world that YOU are helping to establish. Ready to RISE?

Rubies of Eventide
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

On the continent of Vormis, a new threat brews beneath the capital city of New Jollis. Duke Arkesita, heir to the Praxic Empire and ruler of South Vormis, has declared martial law and sealed the gates of the capital. Without the protection of the capital, a scourge of bandits plague the rural roads, tormenting the villagers that depend on resources from other towns. Kajblood, under the rule of Baron Galadar, has become an impromptu governing body, sending a summons for able-bodied adventurers to help defend the against a recent onslaught of Kobold invasions. Disturbing accounts of necromancers meddling with the undead are whispered in the streets. Even the animals in the region seem affected by some strange aura of unrest.

Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: $14.95

Atys is a planet unlike any other. It has lived and grown as an autonomous tree-like ecosphere since time began, bereft of nurturing soil; a synthesis of matter floating in the cosmic depths of space. Ma-Duk, the Life Giver, breathed upon this extraordinary planet, creating life as it is known; from wild creatures to the four cultures of intelligent homin. Towards the planet’s core, roots intertwined to create a cavernous network of caves and across its fertile surface sprung deserts of chipped bark and lush lakes. The year is now 2525 and the time has come to unravel the mysterious nature of Ma-Duk, the Life Giver, and Jena, goddess of the technology-driven Karavan.

Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

Shadowbane is a game of realms, where players effect what happens within the world. You can create great empires, build city's, and claim a realm for your nation. You can be a merchant, and trade with other city's and nations. Shadowbane is also a game of thrones. Your nation can conquer your enemy's and claim there lands as your own, or you can be the soloist and roam freely to kill the weak. Your nation can also be destroyed, so playing politics with other nations can help keep your nation going. The character creation is very flexible and unique. There are 12 different playable races. There is also 4 sub class's that can become over 22 different class's. This, along with th over 43 disciplines, makes an endless number of character combinations!

Silkroad OnlineImage
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Silkroad Online is a historic/fantasy MMORPG based on the history of China along the famous Silk Road. In this MMO, the Silk Road is carefully reproduced, but in a much smaller scale. Elements of fantasy gaming such as the use of special magical skills and abilities are also integrated. Character creation involves choosing a name, appearance, starting clothing type, and starting weapon. New equipment can be bought from NPC vendors or player-run stalls, with the later tending to have far superior goods. Also, special items can be bought via the Silkroad Online official website’s Item Mall using real-world money.

Space Cowboy
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Free yourself and soar the blue skies at full speed! In Space Cowboy EP2 players can earn game money through various missions and battles and increase their power by tuning and upgrading their combat machine, and changing their style and gear. Depending on your mission, you can form coalitions while carrying out various war tactics and strategies. By experiencing realistic combat and building comradely you can become a true hero in Space Cowboy!

Star Wars Galaxies
Retail Price: $29.99
Monthly Fee: $14.99

Star Wars Galaxies is a sci-fi MMORPG initially released as Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. This MMOG’s world consists of ten different planets, each one a 16 km x 16 km map and borrowed from the known fictional Star Wars universe with a timeline set between the Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back movies. Star Wars Galaxies features content both mentioned and not mentioned in various Star Wars media. During character creation, players may choose from ten different species and nine different primary professions, all of which are mentioned in various Star Wars media.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2006, 19:37

Post by Liecrist »

The Matrix Online
Retail Price: $6.69
Monthly Fee: $14.99

The Matrix Online is a MMORPG set in the fictional universe of The Matrix, made popular by various movies and books. This MMOG features a streamlined combat system unique among MMOs, comprising attacks and special abilities which personify the Matrix world. Examples include "bullet time", "wire fu" and "systemic anomalies". Players may side with one of three factions (Zionist Humans, Exiles, or Machines) and join in the ongoing war against the other two. Missions in The Matrix Online, unlike many MMOs, are randomly generated, involved, multi-tiered undertakings which encompass such Matrix-like activities as hacking, lock-picking and disabling security devices.

Turf Battles
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Countless humans and elves are arriving everyday at Ladianes Harbor. They are finally coming home. Several hundred years ago, Bogle wizards who lived in Veros, the land of elves, innocently conjured up a new magic healing potion and tested it on dragonflies. The dragonflies soon began to mutate and spread a deadly disease in Veros which quickly spread to Ladianes the land of humans.

Ultima Online
Retail Price: $9.99
Monthly Fee: $12.99

Ultima Online is the Internet's premiere virtual world. It?s a role-playing game you access through a Web connection. You choose your own virtual life and immerse yourself into the mystical, medieval world of Britannia, where you have an unprecedented degree of freedom to shape your own destiny. You actually become a part of the epic saga that unfolds on a daily basis.

Vendetta Online
Retail Price: $9.99
Monthly Fee: $9.99

Vendetta Online is a massively multiplayer game, debuting this summer, which will permit thousands of players to interact as the pilots of spaceships in a vast universe. Users may build their characters in any direction they desire, becoming rich captains of industry, military heros, or outlaws. A fast-paced, realtime "twitch" style combat model gives intense action, coupled with the backdrop of RPG gameplay in a massive online galaxy. Three major player factions form a delicate balance of power, with several NPC sub-factions creating situations of economic struggle, political intrigue and conflict. The completely persistent universe and detailed storyline add to the depth of immersion, resulting in a unique online experience.

World of WarcraftImage
Retail Price: $49.99
Monthly Fee: $14.95

World of Warcraft is the first MMOG in the (so far) four part Warcraft series, with previous Warcraft titles being RTS games. Like most MMOs, players may find adventure in fighting various monsters and in performing missions offered by numerous NPCs throughout Azeroth. In World of Warcraft, success in these endeavors yields rewards in the form of currency, items and experience. Players may also take part in PvP battles in the forms of dueling and fights with players of opposing factions. In the early to middle stages of exploration around Azeroth, most monsters and quests can be handled solo. Past that point, however, more and more gameplay will require a good team of players, usually two to five in number. Large-scale raids can require up to 40 players to succeed.

Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

"Xiah" is designed to give users the hitting feeling of console games, even from the initial planning stage. The game offers speedy game processes to maximize user's concentration on the game. "Xiah" is designed to enable users to experience the fantastic martial arts of characters, and to play the game in an optimal environment by adopting the three basic concepts of HCI (Human Computer Interface), such as game support level, convenience, and esthetic configuration. We would like to invite you to the martial arts world full of fun and hitting. The company invites you to the martial arts fantasy world of "Xiah," that presents splendid graphics effects which can be experienced only within a martial arts game, as well as the true sense of hitting.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2006, 19:37

Post by Liecrist »


Beta Testing (est. release Q4 2006)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Based on Chinese martial arts, this game immerses players into the fantasy world of ruthless clans, epic battles and fights for the survival of China. After more than 3 years of development and with more than $10 million of development cost, 9Dragons is a breakthrough in game play and graphics quality. Developed by award winning Indy21 team, this game is destined to set a new standard for MMORPGs.
9Dragons’ features cutting-edge full 3D graphics but is also authentic to the heritage of unique martial arts. Based upon China during the Ming Dynasty, it includes actual Chinese geography and historical features such as the Great Wall of China and the famous Shao-Lin Temple.

Cabal Online
Beta Testing (est. release N/A)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

CABAL's numerous intriguing quests and exhilarating missions weave together to form intricate plots that absorb players into the story where they become the heroes. Intuitive and user friendly, CABAL removes entry barriersfor first-time gamers and late-starters.Time limited dungeons, blazing action scenes, perplexing puzzles and traps keep players enthralled in the story and driven to achieve more.

Carpe Diem
Beta Testing (est. release N/A)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

The gamers unite to defeat the threat posed to the kingdom of Uzziel the Evoker. Uzziel is played in the game by a real person, who sets challenges for the players during gameplay. This makes the game spontaneous and unexpected.

Deicide Online
Beta Testing (est. release N/A)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

"Deicide Online is with various enjoyable game contents, however this full 3D MMORPG has basic payment free policy for more users to enjoy free game play.
"For those hardcore users seeking for the great ingame powers, Deicide Online has full system consisted of big scale seize warfare, infinite PvP, various rare items, and also detailed class system with many convenient functions.
"This game is very unique with special class raising system. In Deicide, you cannot decide your class at the beginning, but can change your class through 16 different advanced class tree. Also, you will be able to control your stats improvement by this unique game system that will allows you to upgrade certain stat contents which you use a lot. This also shows the basic developing intention of Deicide Online in order to give users as much free-will as they can.

Beta Testing (est. release 2006)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Players assume the role of the mystical Dreamlords, magical entities that spawn from the nightmares of the Dreamer himself. The Dreamer is the centre core of the universe, fuelling all things with the power of life, the gnosis, the focused attention of the Dreamer. Although Dreamlords may empower forceful methods on its subjects their presence are always welcome as they have the power to provide goals and guidance for a fragmented piece of the tired old world. These pieces of lands, home to hardened populations of survivors controlled by a Dreamlord are known as Patrias, the fatherland. The success of each patria is totally depending on the capability of its Dreamlord. The war is on, the war for existence.

Dungeon Runners
Beta Testing (est. release Q4 2006)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Dungeon Runners is a fast paced, action RPG experience where you take on the role of a brave hero and explore dangerous dungeons, battle ferocious monsters, and discover unique items! Your hero can adventure alone or team with a party to hunt terrible monsters and reap fantastic rewards.

Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising™
Beta Testing (est. release Q2 2007)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising™ is set in the early days of Rome's eventual march to greatness - circa 300 B.C. Rome is a City State still developing its military and cultural strengths and beginning to feel its ambition for expansion and conquest. To fulfill its goals Rome will strive to extend her borders and influence - creating enemies both near and far. Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising™ offers vast persistent territory and hundreds of dynamically generated areas that span a wide variety of the known and Mythological worlds - offering a huge range of terrain types including cities, towns, farmland, forests, mountains, high-alpine artic regions, marshes, seashores, northern frontiers, islands, and Mythological Realms.

Granado Espada
Beta Testing (est. release N/A)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Granado Espada, produced by Hak Kyu Kim known as the 'Creator of RAGNAROK', published by HanbitSoft, is an unique MMORPG containing "multi character control system (MCC)" based on 17th century of Europe. Granado Espada offers party play system which brings good old fun of old PC RPGs through 'Multi Character Control (MCC)' and 'NPC Party System'. MCC system, supported by well thought out path-finding and NPC AI enables beginners to control 3 characters at the same time.
Multi character control (MCC)
Players can control up to 3 characters at the same time. This combination of multiple characters is called a ‘Team’ and each ‘Team’ can have unique character from various combinations of different classes. Granado Espada’s unique system of TvT (Team vs Team) provides wider array of strategies than ordinary PvP (Player vs Player) system.

Last Chaos
Beta Testing (est. release 01/01/07)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

In the world of ‘Last Chaos’, alliances and betrayals continually cause endless wars, it’s people doing whatever they can to survive the chaos. Players acquire the bravery, ability and talent to become the true emperor of the continent, ‘Iris’, by accomplishing missions for the unification of ‘Iris’ and experiencing adventures in the huge and unknown world. ‘Last Chaos’ is an on-line role playing game where thousands of players can simultaneously be connected and upgrade their courage and battle skills through adventures and quests with other fellow adventurers.

Lord of the Rings Online
Beta Testing (est. release Q2 2007)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Across the wide lands of Middle-earth, the Free Peoples must face the threatening Shadow growing in the East. All of Mordor is stirring as Sauron dispatches the Nazgûl to hunt for the Ring. The rumor of war brings forth many eager adventurers who will find their place among the great events of the Third Age. High deeds call to the willing, for their time is at hand. Hundreds of thousands of people will enter the perpetual world of Middle-earth for the very first time. Prepare yourself to choose a path amongst the likes of Elves, Dwarves, and Humans. Will you choose to fight for the things that bring peace to the land or will you add to the corruption of Middle-earth as the forces of Sauron move swiftly to extinguish all that is good?

Myst Online: URU Live
Beta Testing (est. release Q4 2006)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

From Cyan Worlds, the makers of Myst® and Riven™, Uru Live™is the next chapter of the Myst franchise and the most immersive and ambitious Myst experience ever created. The game is bigger, better, and more innovative than any of the previous Myst adventures. Players can move at their own pace, spending hours discovering visually stunning real-time 3D worlds, solving a large variety of mind-challenging puzzles, enjoying the company of other explorers, and following an epic storyline.

Beta Testing (est. release N/A)
Retail Price: Free
Monthly Fee: Free

The objective of the PlaneShift Team is to create a virtual fantasy world in which a player can start as a peasant in search of fame and become an hero. We will focus our efforts in the reproduction of a real world with politics, economy, many non-player-characters controlled by the server that will bring to life our world even without players connected!
We want to give FREE access to anyone, without the need to purchase the game nor pay monthly fee. It's not something similar to Diablo, because when you join a multiplayer game, you will be connected to THE world, not one world generated for you that will be lost after the game. You will be able to disconnect and reconnect again, the server saves the actual status of your character including his possessions.

Ruin Online
Beta Testing (est. release Q3 2007)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

BrokeAss Games has very low operating expenses and a deep love for MMORPGs….and PvP. We are creating this game out of the love of the art, as gamers, that just so happen to make games. The core team of founders is a tight-nit group that has developed 3D projects both professionally, and as a pass-time, for the past 10 years. With professional backgrounds ranging from the “Topâ€� game companies to electronic gambling software publishing, the BrokeAss team leads a group of about 10 additional developers in rotation on the Ruin project.

The Chronicles of Spellborn
Beta Testing (est. release Q1 2007)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Welcome to The Chronicles of Spellborn, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game currently in development for the PC. The Chronicles of Spellborn boasts an original setting and storyline and offers a distinctive art style. The game is being built using the renowned Unreal® Engine™. Set within a unique universe, a realm that has been torn apart by the catastrophic events of the last great war, The Chronicles of Spellborn will offer you the chance to go questing with a group of heroes one day, conquer new shards and engage in the politics of the High Houses.

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Beta Testing (est. release Q1 2007)
Retail Price: n/a
Monthly Fee: n/a

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes will be the premier third generation massively multiplayer RPG. A vast, seamless, immersive virtual world filled with elements of familiar High Fantasy, including traditional themes and more, all depicted using cutting-edge graphics technology. Sigil's expertise and experience in the field will bring groundbreaking static and dynamic content to the genre. Vanguard will build upon the successes and strengths of earlier MMOGs to improve popular game mechanics and features, but also address these pioneering games mistakes and deficiencies. Vanguard will focus heavily on interdependence, challenge, and reward, while simultaneously addressing tedious and annoying issues, including camping, excessive downtime and more.
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Post by Liecrist »

[work in progress] :(
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Post by zNow »

Liecrist wrote:Yes,
I stopped reading there, lol!
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Post by Toenibbler »

Who are you again? :?
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Post by Liecrist »

zNow wrote:
Liecrist wrote:Yes,
I stopped reading there, lol!
Bastard znow, go guard gold mine :(
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Post by sneek »

Tale in the Desert 3, my my, that that stuff still lives on :P

EVE Online seems to be the place to be if you like cut-throat PvP gaming, though it's incredibly time consuming and has an insane learning curve.
If you want to compare it to anything it would be old-skool Ultima Online.
In space though. With spaceships. And lasers.
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Post by Shaatii »

sneek wrote: And lasers.
pew pew pew lazzzzzzzzzzzzzerz
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Post by Versus »

Tsk no toontown in the list!

Prolly bigger then daoc now :lol:



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