It was mentioned yday in guildchat, but hey, let's dump it in the Inn as well for future reference!
Agamaggan (-)
Aggramar (-)
Al'Akir (+-)
Arathor (--- no progress monitoring)
Aszune (--- no progress monitoring)
Azjol-Nerub (+-)
Bladefist (--)
Bloodhoof (-)
Bloodscalp (+--)
Burning Blade (--)
Doomhammer (+--)
Draenor (+--)
Dragonblight (-)
Emerald Dream (+--)
Sunstrider (- no progress monitoring; quick sampling reveals some Nef killing guilds)
Twilight's Hammer (=)
Warsong (--- no progress monitoring; "Nastrovja!")
Zenedar (-)
The above is the "battlegroup" Twilight's Hammer is in.
Notice how Neptulon is left out; old enemies are still gone forever it seems.
+- Roughly equal proliferation of weapons of Mass Destruction compared to TH.
+-- Roughly the same progress maximums, just a little less proliferation of the high end epics.
- Slightly below TH level; no prominent C'Thun kills, quite some Nef kills, forays into AQT and maybe one or two Naxx bosses.
-- Quite inferior to TH's proliferation of epics unless there's a sucker that migrated to this server from another one.
--- Yes, well. Think about a submachine gun versus mango-wielding peace loving jungle indians.
What I mention here is just my rash judgement based on reasonably quickly flipping through all the realm fora in an hour or so.
I'm sure you'll just love digging around through the different realm fora for the above.
Feel free to add to this.
Sunstrider has Gauth . That's an enh/ele shaman.
Al'Akir's kinda nice too with folks like Zalgradis (pikey pally) and Azgaz (cow druid!).
We're pitched against 6 other realms that have roughly the same amount of progression in PvE.
I'm sure the Alliance:Horde ratio's slanted in favor of very very fast Horde queues.