Search found 69 matches

by Eienne
03 Feb 2006, 02:46
Forum: The Inn
Topic: RIP NA
Replies: 9
Views: 7965

WoW, I never thought that day would come :(
by Eienne
30 Jan 2006, 02:17
Forum: The Inn
Topic: possible priest 1.10 patchnotes leak
Replies: 10
Views: 8450

straight from the american priest community ^^

[02:07] * Topic is '<Lyra> No means yes and yes means harder!~ | PRIEST CHANGES ARE FAKE KTHNX'

So I definetly think they're fake :D
by Eienne
29 Jan 2006, 01:52
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Theorycraft - Holy PvP Priest (with leet wanding skills)
Replies: 18
Views: 12751

I must admit, I had NEVER expected to see that high smite hits, especially not crit, but if you look at it, he's got SUPER low mana and even more +dmg, without any trinkets active his dot does 278 damage per tick, that's higher then shadow specced priests with no +dmg gear... So whatever his gear is...
by Eienne
19 Jan 2006, 19:31
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Green whelp armor
Replies: 12
Views: 7959

Not always Virt, I've had to play with some retarded druids in the past...
by Eienne
19 Jan 2006, 12:07
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Green whelp armor
Replies: 12
Views: 7959

That makes me sad :( Now we actually need skilled druids on defense instead of just smacking a druid with green whelp armor in there :(
by Eienne
19 Jan 2006, 12:07
Forum: The Inn
Topic: fraps captures
Replies: 7
Views: 5458

But what if it's non farmers farming ?
by Eienne
15 Jan 2006, 02:20
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Imba hunter
Replies: 21
Views: 16616

Uhm, the original hunter is from Nightmares Asylum (NA) and your impressed of his gear??

I mean come on, NA is like the US serverwide response to what PoW is for our server alone, if I'm not mistaken they are counted among the top 5 horde guilds on all servers in all 3 versions ^^
by Eienne
12 Jan 2006, 02:43
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Im new here.
Replies: 292
Views: 147677

I haven't seen it for ages either, I guess it's about time I break down and actually watch it ^^
by Eienne
11 Jan 2006, 18:37
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Im new here.
Replies: 292
Views: 147677

Then come up with a real and valid topic wich we can discuss ^^
by Eienne
11 Jan 2006, 18:31
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Im new here.
Replies: 292
Views: 147677

Aha, and what did you have min late, a conversation about priests survivability in PvP?
by Eienne
11 Jan 2006, 09:33
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Im new here.
Replies: 292
Views: 147677

I mean, this is the one thread to rule them all ^^

Even though Gorlom is doing his damnest to help the whorelocks out :(
by Eienne
10 Jan 2006, 23:07
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Im new here.
Replies: 292
Views: 147677

But how can you be offended by the one thread that will beat the whorelock haven?
by Eienne
10 Jan 2006, 09:52
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Im new here.
Replies: 292
Views: 147677

They are still 1 page ahead of us ^^
by Eienne
08 Jan 2006, 13:23
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Im new here.
Replies: 292
Views: 147677

I'm with Amidamaru here, but only cause he can gief me phat lewts ^^
by Eienne
06 Jan 2006, 17:48
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Im new here.
Replies: 292
Views: 147677

Then the webserver has the time all wrong, because right now the time is 17:46 ^^