Search found 56 matches

by Zethar
18 Mar 2007, 22:15
Forum: The Inn
Topic: The latest hype in Holland (tnx to Belgium)
Replies: 14
Views: 7866

This kills my hope for humanity... Looks (since i don't have audio atm) like some twinked squaredanceing... *puke*
by Zethar
21 Feb 2007, 09:21
Forum: The Inn
Topic: most hyped movie of the year`?
Replies: 9
Views: 6967

4/4 is THE date i'm going to the movies!
by Zethar
11 Jan 2007, 19:25
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Your favourite TV-series
Replies: 383
Views: 358383

Kibs wrote:- Invasion (cancelled </3)
Yeah.. Saw that too a couple of days ago.. WTF!
by Zethar
11 Jan 2007, 11:24
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Your favourite TV-series
Replies: 383
Views: 358383

Battlestar Galactica
Firefly (imba main character with imba crew.. to bad they messed up the episode order...)
House MD
Prison Break

Band of brothers can't be forgotten either..

Lost is lost...
by Zethar
10 Jan 2007, 14:50
Forum: The Inn
Topic: No target frame in combat when switching targets
Replies: 6
Views: 6624

Anyways, disabled CT, titanbar and ozmods.. Now i can _atleast_ play one mob and switch target and still be able to get the portait of it again..

Haven't played much though so .. a bit innacurate, and no new addons..

Have fun guys..
by Zethar
10 Jan 2007, 14:38
Forum: The Inn
Topic: No target frame in combat when switching targets
Replies: 6
Views: 6624

It happend to me all the time.
by Zethar
10 Jan 2007, 14:13
Forum: The Inn
Topic: No target frame in combat when switching targets
Replies: 6
Views: 6624

Disabled all addons and it worked btw.. enabling them one by one to check which one of them that is causing it..
by Zethar
10 Jan 2007, 13:59
Forum: The Inn
Topic: No target frame in combat when switching targets
Replies: 6
Views: 6624

Yay! I'm not alone with the issue...
by Zethar
06 Jan 2007, 09:44
Forum: The Inn
Topic: It is *not* a PvP vid and I'm a pacifist!
Replies: 66
Views: 47775

Nice ;)
by Zethar
05 Jan 2007, 21:48
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 40
Views: 22718

Just got back home.. Can't login either.. Nor can Shielvina..
by Zethar
11 Dec 2006, 21:57
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Added tothe must see movies in 2007
Replies: 23
Views: 17133

agrabush wrote: but in american movies, greeks are somehow more fun than the norse.. (13th warrior anyone.. *puke* )
Hehe .. Remember Eric the Viking ? ownage!
by Zethar
11 Dec 2006, 18:24
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Added tothe must see movies in 2007
Replies: 23
Views: 17133

LOL guys this line was actually said back there... we learn it at elementary history's lesson! For greeks afterlife was pretty much like normal life... or they hoped so ;-) Anyway these 300 were sure to die so Leonidas reassured them they will meet again at hell to eat and drink together ^^ Greeks ...
by Zethar
10 Dec 2006, 00:33
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Added tothe must see movies in 2007
Replies: 23
Views: 17133

Althouggh it actually sounds like " tonogiht we dine in hell"
by Zethar
10 Dec 2006, 00:31
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Added tothe must see movies in 2007
Replies: 23
Views: 17133


hehehe .. Or Die in hell perhaps ? ;)

Why dine ? .. BAd cook ? -- <--- bit drunk btw ..
by Zethar
08 Dec 2006, 21:08
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Added tothe must see movies in 2007
Replies: 23
Views: 17133

I still damn gorthzûk for showing me that trailer 2-3 weeks ago.. WANNA SEE NOW! .. Not wait until mars next year.. WTF!