Search found 16 matches

by Jolli
20 Jul 2011, 12:13
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 188
Views: 202684

Death Knights: Improved Death Strike now provides 40/80/120% bonus damage, up from 30/60/90%, and a 10/20/30% critical strike bonus, up from 3/6/9%.

This will help on improving the add damage on Alysrazor alot.
by Jolli
18 Apr 2010, 19:18
Forum: The Inn
Topic: The almighty thread of funny stuff
Replies: 3014
Views: 2107217

Don't know if it's been here before but while we are talking about card tricks :D
by Jolli
09 Apr 2010, 15:26
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Zoc - DPS - Death Knight
Replies: 30
Views: 28016

Zoc wrote:Haha, grötfolket ;). I'm from the middle of Sweden, near Uppsala :). So not the bad part! ;)
How you reckon that? Uppsala is clearly the home of the worst people! And even though you don't live in Uppsala but close to it, you can't be among the worst people (but close to it) :P
by Jolli
09 Apr 2010, 11:00
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Zoc - DPS - Death Knight
Replies: 30
Views: 28016

Fenz wrote:Skåne!
Bah! Of course Skåne is not the bad part, more like everything north of Hallandsåsen.
by Jolli
09 Dec 2009, 11:09
Forum: The Inn
Topic: R6034 error under Linux.
Replies: 0
Views: 11927

R6034 error under Linux.

If you are running wow under linux and using Wine or something like that and you get the R6034 error, just visit this link and do what it says there. ... h-3-3.html
by Jolli
08 Dec 2009, 07:15
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Restoration Druid
Replies: 7
Views: 9973

It all comes down to playstyle, and if that's how you play then I see why you specc the way you do :)
But I think that wild growth should be on the top of your healing meters if you are assigned to raid heal.
by Jolli
07 Dec 2009, 21:32
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Restoration Druid
Replies: 7
Views: 9973

Your Moonkin specc has some flaws in it, but nothing major. Your resto specc is fine. Do you have mana issues when you are raiding as Moonkin, since you have 3/3 moonglow, 1/3 dreamstate and omen of clarity? And since the moonkin pretty much is there for utility don't you think improved insect swarm...
by Jolli
25 Oct 2009, 18:40
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Torchlight
Replies: 62
Views: 45947

I bought Borderlands friday and me and Akuro has been playing all weekend :) It's fun if you are 2 but I haven't played it alone yet so I can't say anything about that...
by Jolli
08 Oct 2009, 06:52
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 213
Views: 231346

Haste affecting Rejuvenation I must say I like the idea at the moment from a resto druids perspective. Sure we will have to apply rejuvenation more often and can't roll it on as many people as we can now. But, in the hardmodes where it matters, our output would...
by Jolli
07 Oct 2009, 12:10
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 377
Views: 225814

Swift retribution?

Is our raiding retribution pallys(Wallia) using Swift Retritbution?

This is good to know for us resto druids, since we(or atleast I) are using different gear sets depending on the group setup.
by Jolli
23 Jul 2009, 08:47
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 188
Views: 202684

Frost/Blood tanking specc.
Including 10% AP and 20% haste buffs ... 0xh:omwMmV

Unholy dps specc to try ... sut:bArMVm

(edit: added glyphs)
by Jolli
15 Jul 2009, 07:52
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 213
Views: 231346


by Jolli
24 Jun 2009, 05:17
Forum: The Inn
Topic: The almighty thread of funny stuff
Replies: 3014
Views: 2107217

Hahahaha, that's serious nerd rage.
At 1 min 10 s, does he try to put the remote up his ass?
by Jolli
12 Jun 2009, 21:37
Forum: The Inn
Topic: wich sci-fi movie?
Replies: 11
Views: 10075

Yes Screamers 2 is out for rental in Sweden. But I can't recall why they needed to smoke the red cigarettes in the first movie....
by Jolli
12 Jun 2009, 17:36
Forum: The Inn
Topic: wich sci-fi movie?
Replies: 11
Views: 10075

Damn, I remember the red cigarettes...... And they do smoke something in Screamers.... hmm