Search found 64 matches

by Kozu
09 Apr 2008, 09:07
Forum: The Inn
Topic: The almighty thread of funny stuff
Replies: 3014
Views: 2280466

by Kozu
09 Apr 2008, 07:51
Forum: The Inn
Topic: just curious, MTG?
Replies: 24
Views: 20066

Skyly wrote:so have you played the tournament yet, Kozu?

the tournament is in august, so not yet :P
by Kozu
07 Apr 2008, 22:02
Forum: The Inn
Topic: The almighty thread of funny stuff
Replies: 3014
Views: 2280466

by Kozu
07 Apr 2008, 11:17
Forum: The Inn
Topic: just curious, MTG?
Replies: 24
Views: 20066

toe add me on MSN!

by Kozu
06 Apr 2008, 23:49
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Memories!
Replies: 9
Views: 8085


Ah yeah well, maybe a bit extreme but still!

I didn't play alpha myself, but just closed Beta (and open).

But anyways, this is how WoW started out! enjoy.

It reminds me a bit of how much I loved the old WoW, with no flying mounts and in general a lot more 'solid ground'-feeling.
by Kozu
04 Apr 2008, 10:27
Forum: The Inn
Topic: The almighty thread of funny stuff
Replies: 3014
Views: 2280466

Map of

So funny, if you follow the arena drama/read gameriot.
by Kozu
03 Apr 2008, 12:03
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Resbug
Replies: 7
Views: 7313

*suprise, a bug!*
by Kozu
02 Apr 2008, 15:54
Forum: The Inn
Topic: I just...
Replies: 4
Views: 5738

by Kozu
02 Apr 2008, 13:59
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Nihilum dead.
Replies: 30
Views: 28976

It just means that the game is healthy. As long as people complain, it means the game's healthy. Once your players stop complaining that's when you're in trouble - since that means they stopped caring about your game. Yes and no, try comparing to other games. The amount of general whine about Warcr...
by Kozu
02 Apr 2008, 13:39
Forum: The Inn
Topic: I just...
Replies: 4
Views: 5738

I just...

came in my pants!

finally hitted 2k raiting, as basicly the official weakest arena class! As Holy, and not no-brainer-ret! :P

sorry just had to post, been stuck with the worldest ugliest shoulders in WoW history for so long time now, both in PvE and PvP.

fuck i'm so happy :oops:
by Kozu
02 Apr 2008, 08:48
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Nihilum dead.
Replies: 30
Views: 28976

The activity pre-TBC in WoW was insane compared to now, and all the good guilds obviously was on the heavy high populated servers DUE to no transfers (more people = in theory more good players). So back then, the top of PvE obviously would have the gates opened first. The AQ gates was a bit retarded...
by Kozu
02 Apr 2008, 07:44
Forum: The Inn
Topic: The almighty thread of funny stuff
Replies: 3014
Views: 2280466


Laughed so hard when I saw this one, lol
by Kozu
02 Apr 2008, 07:35
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Nihilum dead.
Replies: 30
Views: 28976

Well the locking system _is_ retarded, it's a way of wasting more time - as they need us to waste our fucking time, just to wait for the beta stage of WotlK to release.

I wasn't aware of myself that Awake stopped, that's why I pretty muched believed in this
by Kozu
01 Apr 2008, 23:53
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Nihilum dead.
Replies: 30
Views: 28976

by Kozu
01 Apr 2008, 19:08
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 213
Views: 250220