Search found 423 matches

by Ithelia
09 Nov 2021, 18:32
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Loads of Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk SM raiding videos
Replies: 6
Views: 25110

Re: Loads of Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk SM raiding videos

Love to revisit these 8)
by Ithelia
01 Jan 2020, 08:17
Forum: The Inn
Topic: 2020!
Replies: 1
Views: 11708


Happy new year everyone!

by Ithelia
15 Nov 2019, 16:17
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Loads of Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk SM raiding videos
Replies: 6
Views: 25110

Loads of Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk SM raiding videos

Found this awesome uploader with a bunch of different kill videos from MC, BWL, AQ40, Naxx, SSC, BT, ICC among others.
Who are you unsung hero?? ... 4Lp1v79oiA

Enjoy it 8)
by Ithelia
14 Sep 2019, 06:54
Forum: The Inn
Topic: WoW Classic
Replies: 13
Views: 21234

Hows everyone enjoying Classic?
I'm pretty hooked, got my warrior on level 46. Hardly played retail at all last few weeks.
by Ithelia
14 May 2019, 21:05
Forum: The Inn
Topic: WoW Classic
Replies: 13
Views: 21234

Date set to 27 august 2019!
by Ithelia
01 Jan 2019, 14:13
Forum: The Inn
Topic: 2019!
Replies: 4
Views: 13540


Happy new year everyone 8)
by Ithelia
12 Sep 2018, 15:41
Forum: The Inn
Topic: I am surprised the forum is up still
Replies: 19
Views: 42478

Lateralus wrote:
sudo wrote:hi Ith :D
how's life?
Hi guys, me and arkandor, erazel, betdel and acuman having a beer in central park. Thanks for your patients and DONT LOOT im just around the pillar

hahaha we all need a lot of Patients but none as much as Ark !
by Ithelia
12 Sep 2018, 15:41
Forum: The Inn
Topic: I am surprised the forum is up still
Replies: 19
Views: 42478

I still play but on Alliance (RP PVP realm Defias Brotherhood) 8)
by Ithelia
05 Aug 2018, 10:16
Forum: The Inn
Topic: I am surprised the forum is up still
Replies: 19
Views: 42478

by Ithelia
13 Feb 2018, 16:57
Forum: The Inn
Topic: I am surprised the forum is up still
Replies: 19
Views: 42478

by Ithelia
02 Jan 2016, 14:18
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Miss you all
Replies: 9
Views: 36903

Happy new year! :)
by Ithelia
31 Mar 2013, 16:24
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Best Song (right now)
Replies: 1216
Views: 867526

by Ithelia
16 Nov 2012, 03:11
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Are there any good internetproviders out there?
Replies: 8
Views: 33705

I have ComHem as well 100/10, have had it for a year and my internet is better than ever. Are you sure it's just that it isn't the first time your using it and it should be given an hour or two to config everything ? Heard that ComHem usually send technicians out cause their phone service cba handli...
by Ithelia
30 Jul 2012, 17:02
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Windows 7 possible games fps increase tip(disablecoreparking
Replies: 1
Views: 23927

I tried this and it works great inside the games (SWtor/D3).

But I have been gotten a lot of random blue-screens, maybe one every 2nd day. Could it be because I changed this, or is it because I have a copied windows?