Search found 49 matches

by Wocamai
03 Feb 2006, 13:34
Forum: The Inn
Topic: New expansion screenshots
Replies: 5
Views: 5011

Looking sweet.. imma buy that.
by Wocamai
02 Feb 2006, 20:35
Forum: The Inn
Topic: operating system. (K)ubuntu
Replies: 16
Views: 16211

What's with the killer panda in the left corner Woca? Scary stuff. Hehe, that's Panda anti-virus.. kinda sucks too be honest, got a hard time finding the right product. I Just installed Avast actually but it took me 10 seconds to remove it again.. I simply couldn't stand lookin...
by Wocamai
02 Feb 2006, 11:17
Forum: The Inn
Topic: 24
Replies: 17
Views: 14392

Morlog wrote:
Wocamai wrote:I'm already scared of priests :cry: - Blizzard are meanies.
thats more because youve been an alterboy in your local catholic church then priests abilities ingame isnt it woca?

I don't wanna talk about it.
by Wocamai
02 Feb 2006, 10:21
Forum: The Inn
Topic: 24
Replies: 17
Views: 14392

I'm already scared of priests :cry: - Blizzard are meanies.
by Wocamai
02 Feb 2006, 10:08
Forum: The Inn
Topic: operating system. (K)ubuntu
Replies: 16
Views: 16211

Jhorar wrote:What's with the killer panda in the left corner Woca? Scary stuff.
Hehe, that's Panda anti-virus.. kinda sucks too be honest, got a hard time finding the right product.
by Wocamai
02 Feb 2006, 01:42
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 2485
Views: 1181563

Maybe some day I'll actually try and read through these 13 pages.. see if I can find anything interresting :lol:
by Wocamai
02 Feb 2006, 01:40
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Frapsing etc
Replies: 20
Views: 12781

Klinga wrote:It's about respecting the creators! All their hard work and labor!

How do you people sleep at night?
I'm trying to sleep, it's 1:40am.. can't. Maybe you're right.
by Wocamai
02 Feb 2006, 01:18
Forum: The Inn
Topic: operating system. (K)ubuntu
Replies: 16
Views: 16211

Windows media center for the winz ^_-


But yeah, heard about it.. but too be honest I haven't set my mind on figuring out what's differnt about it from the other 90 million distro's :x
by Wocamai
01 Feb 2006, 15:20
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Frapsing etc
Replies: 20
Views: 12781

Klinga wrote:
Fenz wrote:Do you have adobe premiere 2.0? Need ;)
:shock: That's illegal!
by Wocamai
25 Jan 2006, 12:00
Forum: The Inn
Topic: oO
Replies: 4
Views: 4486

That's hawt.. what was his number again?
by Wocamai
25 Jan 2006, 11:58
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Application, Leung (Lord of the Critters)
Replies: 41
Views: 25604

Thought I was Artax's soulmate :roll:
by Wocamai
24 Jan 2006, 22:03
Forum: The Inn
Topic: For you davd fans out there. This is the best...
Replies: 9
Views: 6614

Haha, what the fuck :x.
by Wocamai
23 Jan 2006, 18:32
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Application, Leung (Lord of the Critters)
Replies: 41
Views: 25604

Leung wrote:
Artax wrote:gay?
Hah.. don't mind Artax, he doesn't have anything better to do, crazy swede! :lol: