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by Jhorar
15 Aug 2009, 16:57
Forum: The Inn
Topic: WoW Cataclysm....
Replies: 24
Views: 21997

Content aside, I don't quite get why everyone keeps focusing on the changes to the lore in WoW. I mean, it is blizzards realm, they've created the lore and they can change it and evolve it as they see fit. The universe wasn't "finished" with the end of warcraft3, WoW is in fact the continu...
by Jhorar
04 Dec 2008, 21:56
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Sylshana - Affliction warlock
Replies: 10
Views: 11928

Well, I guess I should do a "got my vote" here, being the one referring and all. And as usual I get all types of mud slung my way when I do. :(

Good luck!
by Jhorar
04 Dec 2008, 21:54
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Curious
Replies: 52
Views: 44350

Sylshana wrote:
flame wrote:Jhorar always causing trouble, first the "feet warmer" now this...when will it end? :|
"Feet warmer"?

I'm aquiver with curiosity...
I'm a very ingenious person. That being said... move along, nothing to see here!
by Jhorar
04 Dec 2008, 11:42
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Curious
Replies: 52
Views: 44350

Dibs on being the bitch who throws drinks in peoples faces!
by Jhorar
03 Dec 2008, 18:13
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Curious
Replies: 52
Views: 44350

Satanic wrote:Well you can still apply. I mean if meek can have his gf in the guild i bet Jhorar can have hers aswell!
Yeah! If meek can have his... HEY! WHADDAYAMEAN HERS!? <grabs her... I MEAN HIS purse and storms of throwing a giant hissyfit>
by Jhorar
03 Dec 2008, 14:47
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Curious
Replies: 52
Views: 44350

Holy crap, if I don't browse the forums 24/7 things spin out of control waaaaay to fast.

Hi Sylshana, I promise these guys are exactly as disturbing in game. They're also fascist bastards that think my hotbars are filled with healing touch in every slot. But I still like 'em.
by Jhorar
24 Oct 2008, 20:05
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Type of Gamer test
Replies: 24
Views: 20303

The Class Clown Reckless Sociable Fun Veteran (RSFV) Why is everyone taking games so seriously? They should lighten up -- it's your job to entertain and mix it up. Your philosophies: rules are made to be broken and games are your playground. The more the better - you're a crowd pleaser and enjoy al...
by Jhorar
28 Sep 2008, 20:53
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Feral AoE-tanking heavily buffed
Replies: 3
Views: 5293

Holy smokes. O.o
by Jhorar
05 Sep 2008, 09:55
Forum: The Inn
Topic: we gonna lose Månstråle soon....
Replies: 8
Views: 8703

manstrale wrote:haha, I hate pink stuff!!!
Heathen! Pink is the color that will one day rule the universe!
by Jhorar
04 Sep 2008, 10:49
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 213
Views: 222383

The baers aet mah bejbi!
by Jhorar
30 Aug 2008, 18:30
Forum: The Inn
Topic: wotlk raidstacking classes "nerfed"
Replies: 9
Views: 7942

Improved Faerie Fire: No longer benefits melee and ranged hit chance, only spell hit. Such a horrendously huge nerf. If you haven't noticed ... everything is quite majorly "nerfed" .. and I'm pretty sure it won't matter that much in the end :wink: How dare you! Let him wallow in self-pity...
by Jhorar
29 Aug 2008, 08:28
Forum: The Inn
Topic: wotlk raidstacking classes "nerfed"
Replies: 9
Views: 7942

Improved Faerie Fire: No longer benefits melee and ranged hit chance, only spell hit.
Such a horrendously huge nerf.
by Jhorar
24 Aug 2008, 16:59
Forum: The Inn
Topic: wotlk
Replies: 12
Views: 9939

Meek wrote:
blizzard north does cinematics.
warhammer technically better? err no :/
Among other things, not exclusively.

And yes, I agree. You're seeing it through blizzard tainted eyes. :p
by Jhorar
13 Aug 2008, 15:48
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 213
Views: 222383

Yes, it's deplorable, hence why I'm hoping for some good balance talent changes! If shit goes live as it is now I'll probably switch to a DK main or just hang up the wow-coat all together tho.

But atm I'm trying out the "glass-is-half-full" approach!
by Jhorar
10 Aug 2008, 16:04
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 213
Views: 222383

I hope so, the changes to OOC are awesome for kitty and it's looking fairly good. I just hope they don't dick out and wotlk becomes another bc where feral dps is subpar to the main dps classes and other hybrids. If ferals can't surpass the other hybrids in dps it's gonna be pure suck since the feral...