Search found 252 matches

by Late
05 Jun 2010, 21:38
Forum: The Inn
Topic: lateralus
Replies: 25
Views: 24103

Altarion wrote:Late is ma hero!!!!!
Why thank you :D
by Late
27 May 2006, 01:00
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Badger
Replies: 11
Views: 10043

by Late
14 Apr 2006, 01:10
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Tickle Me Elmo Factory.
Replies: 3
Views: 5032

I can't believe it took 10 minutes to read that joke just for 1 line of toilet humour :D
by Late
14 Apr 2006, 01:08
Forum: The Inn
Topic: 1.11 notes (in chinese :P)
Replies: 12
Views: 10259

Gimme a couple of years more study at uni and I'll be able to translate ;) I doubt there'd be much legitimate info on the Chinese sites before US sites though...
by Late
14 Apr 2006, 01:02
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Byebye ppl! :)
Replies: 22
Views: 15972

:( Sorry to see ya go Lupina..

PS Real Madrid suck
by Late
04 Apr 2006, 01:54
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Yay i have fans!!!! <3
Replies: 10
Views: 8850

Hahahahaha kar the baby in the microwave
by Late
03 Mar 2006, 18:20
Forum: The Inn
Topic: 1.10 Patch Notes
Replies: 19
Views: 14531

I'm particularly interested in the weather effects... How much will they affect my system if my computer only just runs WoW well anyway? Will I be able to turn it off in the graphic options?
by Late
03 Mar 2006, 17:48
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Application for Joining.
Replies: 8
Views: 7876

not sure whats up then, last BWL amida had to log his alt priest to help out healing at chromo I think that must have been a one off tbh... Whenever I look on the sign up page priest is usually full. I might be imagining things tho :) One of the warlocks you say.... my spidersense is tickling... wh...
by Late
03 Mar 2006, 17:24
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Application for Joining.
Replies: 8
Views: 7876

To be honest Priest is usually the class that fills up first when raids are put on the calendar... If the higher echelons of SMOdium think that another priest is needed that's cool though, you seem like a nice guy although your name is very similar to one of our 'locks! :)
by Late
03 Mar 2006, 17:21
Forum: The Inn
Topic: Dungeon&Dragons Online
Replies: 10
Views: 8222

I never played the pen and paper game because none of my friends play it and I wouldn't have anyone to play it with if I wanted to.. I played all of the Forgotten realms games though (does that count as D&D? :? ) and I used to love the cartoon when I was about 3! I don't think I will get this ga...
by Late
02 Mar 2006, 20:03
Forum: The Inn
Topic: For... Swedes!
Replies: 8
Views: 8183

I didn't really understand much of that (even the bits in English :P) apart from the post saying 'hahahha your name means shaved pussy in Swedish' :o

How the hell did you come across that out of interest? :shock:
by Late
02 Mar 2006, 15:58
Forum: Recruitment
Topic: Application to join
Replies: 30
Views: 29579

Gorlom wrote:they never clean it. thats why.
They never clean themselves either.... the warlock thread absolutely stinks!
by Late
02 Mar 2006, 00:48
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 12
Views: 10366

Obviously I couldn't be arsed to read the link :o :D :lol: Thankee
by Late
01 Mar 2006, 18:31
Forum: The Inn
Replies: 12
Views: 10366

There is also a Priest-only trinket that adds +190 healing for 15 seconds or so. I'd be interested to know whether or not that will still work with ToEP and ZHC so if anyone bothered to do that quest and also has one of the other two trinkets then please test it :D
by Late
01 Mar 2006, 17:09
Forum: The Inn
Topic: OS GULD
Replies: 27
Views: 19717

I'm not a Swede but I agree Jhorar :P

Having said that one of my favourite games ever when I was a baby was a game called Blades of Steel on the NES- that was mainly because of the fighting in it rather than the hockey though I think :) :o